Fine Chinese Paintings

Fine Chinese Paintings

Fine Chinese Paintings

Fine Chinese Paintings

15 October - 23 October 2024 • Hong Kong

Your local time • 06:00 AM GMT

姚華 唐畫壁磚侍女對屏 | Yao Hua, Ladies after Portrait Bricks

2501 姚華 唐畫壁磚侍女對屏 | Yao Hua, Ladies after Portrait Bricks

陳衡恪 行書王安石詩二首 | Chen Hengke, Poems in Xingshu

2502 陳衡恪 行書王安石詩二首 | Chen Hengke, Poems in Xingshu

陳衡恪 花卉蔬果冊 | Chen Hengke, Flowers and Fruits

2503 陳衡恪 花卉蔬果冊 | Chen Hengke, Flowers and Fruits

陳衡恪、羅惇㬊 瞿塘帆影、節臨柳公權〈伏審帖〉 | Chen Hengke, Luo Dunyuan, Sailboats in Qutang Gorge; Calligraphy in Xingshu

2504 陳衡恪、羅惇㬊 瞿塘帆影、節臨柳公權〈伏審帖〉 | Chen Hengke, Luo Dunyuan, Sailboats in Qutang Gorge; Calligraphy in Xingshu

黃賓虹 蜀江飛瀑 | Huang Binhong, Scholar Studio by the River

2505 黃賓虹 蜀江飛瀑 | Huang Binhong, Scholar Studio by the River

林紓 武夷雪景 | Lin Shu, Mount Wuyi after Snow

2506 林紓 武夷雪景 | Lin Shu, Mount Wuyi after Snow

姚源清、陳衡恪 行書、墨菊合卷 | Yao Yuanqing, Chen Hengke, Calligraphy in Xingshu and Ink Chrysanthemum

2507 姚源清、陳衡恪 行書、墨菊合卷 | Yao Yuanqing, Chen Hengke, Calligraphy in Xingshu and Ink Chrysanthemum

吳昌碩 秋光芙蕖 |  Wu Changshuo, Lotus Pond in Autumn

2508 吳昌碩 秋光芙蕖 | Wu Changshuo, Lotus Pond in Autumn

吳昌碩 雪後暗香圖 | Wu Changshuo, White Plum Blossoms

2509 吳昌碩 雪後暗香圖 | Wu Changshuo, White Plum Blossoms

吳昌碩 垂珠滴香露 | Wu Changshuo, Wisteria

2510 吳昌碩 垂珠滴香露 | Wu Changshuo, Wisteria

陳衡恪 蘭石圖 | Chen Hengke, Orchid by the Rock

2511 陳衡恪 蘭石圖 | Chen Hengke, Orchid by the Rock

齊白石 群蟹圖 | Qi Baishi, Crabs

2512 齊白石 群蟹圖 | Qi Baishi, Crabs

王雲 梅花雙松 | Wang Yun, Plum Blossoms by Majestic Pine Trees

2513 王雲 梅花雙松 | Wang Yun, Plum Blossoms by Majestic Pine Trees

徐悲鴻 百尺竿頭直上 | Xu Beihong, Bamboo

2514 徐悲鴻 百尺竿頭直上 | Xu Beihong, Bamboo

于非闇 雪竹山鷓 | Yu Fei'an, Red-billed Blue Magpie by Bamboo

2515 于非闇 雪竹山鷓 | Yu Fei'an, Red-billed Blue Magpie by Bamboo

溥儒 臨帖十四種 | Pu Ru, Calligraphy after Ancient Masters

2516 溥儒 臨帖十四種 | Pu Ru, Calligraphy after Ancient Masters

溥儒 江岸閑眺 | Pu Ru, Scholar by the Riverside

2517 溥儒 江岸閑眺 | Pu Ru, Scholar by the Riverside

溥儒 自作詩〈讀詩感興〉| Pu Ru, Poem in Xingshu

2518 溥儒 自作詩〈讀詩感興〉| Pu Ru, Poem in Xingshu

黃賓虹 隱山紀遊 | Huang Binhong, Verdant Mountains Amongst the Clouds

2519 黃賓虹 隱山紀遊 | Huang Binhong, Verdant Mountains Amongst the Clouds

陳少梅 衡山白龍潭 | Chen Shaomei, Waterfall in Mount Heng

2520 陳少梅 衡山白龍潭 | Chen Shaomei, Waterfall in Mount Heng

溥儒 古木蕭蕭 | Pu Ru, Trees in the Wind

2521 溥儒 古木蕭蕭 | Pu Ru, Trees in the Wind

傅抱石 泛舟圖 | Fu Baoshi, Boating by the Cliff

2522 傅抱石 泛舟圖 | Fu Baoshi, Boating by the Cliff

姚華 溪山高隱 | Yao Hua, Encounter in Secluded Mountains

2523 姚華 溪山高隱 | Yao Hua, Encounter in Secluded Mountains

溥儒 行書七言聯 | Pu Ru, Calligraphy Couplet in Xingshu

2524 溥儒 行書七言聯 | Pu Ru, Calligraphy Couplet in Xingshu

溥儒 楷書五言聯 | Pu Ru, Calligraphy Couplet in Kaishu

2525 溥儒 楷書五言聯 | Pu Ru, Calligraphy Couplet in Kaishu

溥僩 圉人牽馬圖 | Pu Xian, Horses and Grooms

2526 溥僩 圉人牽馬圖 | Pu Xian, Horses and Grooms

溥儒 秋江泛舟 | Pu Ru, Boating along Autumn River

2527 溥儒 秋江泛舟 | Pu Ru, Boating along Autumn River

溥儒 雪山行旅 | Pu Ru, Travelling in Snow Mountains

2528 溥儒 雪山行旅 | Pu Ru, Travelling in Snow Mountains

黃賓虹 山水冊 | Huang Binhong, Landscapes

2529 黃賓虹 山水冊 | Huang Binhong, Landscapes

黃君璧 松蔭策杖 | Huang Junbi, Strolling by the Pine Tree

2530 黃君璧 松蔭策杖 | Huang Junbi, Strolling by the Pine Tree

吳昌碩 篆書「花好月圓人壽」| Wu Changshuo, Calligraphy in Zhuanshu

2531 吳昌碩 篆書「花好月圓人壽」| Wu Changshuo, Calligraphy in Zhuanshu

吳昌碩 墨梅 | Wu Changshuo, Ink Plum Blossoms

2532 吳昌碩 墨梅 | Wu Changshuo, Ink Plum Blossoms

吳昌碩 荷 | Wu Changshuo, Lotus

2533 吳昌碩 荷 | Wu Changshuo, Lotus

任頤 策杖行吟 | Ren Yi, Strolling by the Shore

2534 任頤 策杖行吟 | Ren Yi, Strolling by the Shore

任頤 荷花鴛鴦 | Ren Yi, Mandarin Ducks by White Lotus

2535 任頤 荷花鴛鴦 | Ren Yi, Mandarin Ducks by White Lotus

任薰 石榴棲禽 | Ren Xun, Pomegranates and Bird

2536 任薰 石榴棲禽 | Ren Xun, Pomegranates and Bird

趙之謙 玉簪海棠 | Zhao Zhiqian, Plantain Lilies and Crabapple Flowers

2537 趙之謙 玉簪海棠 | Zhao Zhiqian, Plantain Lilies and Crabapple Flowers

吳湖帆 行書七言聯 | Wu Hufan, Calligraphy Couplet in Xingshu

2538 吳湖帆 行書七言聯 | Wu Hufan, Calligraphy Couplet in Xingshu

張大千 仕女 | Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien, 1899-1983), Lady

2539 張大千 仕女 | Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien, 1899-1983), Lady

任預 山水冊 | Ren Yu, Assemblage of Landscapes

2540 任預 山水冊 | Ren Yu, Assemblage of Landscapes

黃賓虹 古木層巒 | Huang Binhong, Trees by Towering Mountains

2541 黃賓虹 古木層巒 | Huang Binhong, Trees by Towering Mountains

湯滌 墨梅圖 | Tang Di, Ink Plum Blossoms

2542 湯滌 墨梅圖 | Tang Di, Ink Plum Blossoms

溥儒 吳江秋色 | Scenery in Autumn

2543 溥儒 吳江秋色 | Scenery in Autumn

吳石僊 湖山雨意 | Mountains in Misty Rain

2544 吳石僊 湖山雨意 | Mountains in Misty Rain

謝稚柳 雪江歸棹 | Xie Zhiliu, Returning Boat on a Snowy River

2545 謝稚柳 雪江歸棹 | Xie Zhiliu, Returning Boat on a Snowy River

徐操 貨郎圖 | Xu Cao, Knick-knack Peddler

2546 徐操 貨郎圖 | Xu Cao, Knick-knack Peddler

陸抑非 三友迎喜 | Lu Yifei, Spring Magpies

2547 陸抑非 三友迎喜 | Lu Yifei, Spring Magpies

田世光 果熟來禽 | Tian Shiguang, Bird by the Peaches

2548 田世光 果熟來禽 | Tian Shiguang, Bird by the Peaches