Classic Design: Furniture, Silver & Ceramics

Classic Design: Furniture, Silver & Ceramics

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 8. A Set of Four Flemish Needlework Pictures, 17th Century.

Property from a Connecticut Collection

A Set of Four Flemish Needlework Pictures, 17th Century

Lot Closed

April 16, 04:08 PM GMT


8,000 - 12,000 USD

Lot Details


each depicting a scene from the biblical story of Joseph

silk and wool within later faux marbre, glazed frames

22 ⅝ in. by 26 ¼ in.;

57.5 by 66.7 cm.

With Alistair Sampson, London, 2002.

This set of four panels depict various scenes from the biblical story of Joseph. The first picture shows Jacob sending Joseph and his brothers to the field to tend to the animals, and the second depicts his brothers throwing Joseph into the pit while his enslavers watch on. The third panel captures Joseph fleeing the advances of Potiphar's wife, and the fourth and final panel depicts the penultimate scene from the tale, when Joseph's brothers prostrate themselves in front of him, begging for help.

According to the Old Testament, Jacob's favorite son was Joseph. This greatly angered his two older brothers, who, motivated by their jealousy, hatched a plot to sell Joseph into slavery. While enslaved in Egypt, Joseph gained the favor of the Pharaoh and eventually saved the kingdom from famine by obtaining a vital supply of grain. His brothers, faced with the same famine, came to Egypt to ask for assistance and were presented to Joseph to plead their case. Unrecognized by his siblings, Joseph revealed his identity and forgave them for their crimes against him.