CHINA / 5000 YEARS Including Chinese Jades from the Chuan Ching Tang Collection | 博古五千 暨傳慶堂藏玉

CHINA / 5000 YEARS Including Chinese Jades from the Chuan Ching Tang Collection | 博古五千 暨傳慶堂藏玉

CHINA / 5000 YEARS Including Chinese Jades from the Chuan Ching Tang Collection | 博古五千 暨傳慶堂藏玉

A celadon jade axe, fu, and a brown jade blade, Neolithic period | 新石器時代 青玉斧及棕黃玉刀

501 A celadon jade axe, fu, and a brown jade blade, Neolithic period | 新石器時代 青玉斧及棕黃玉刀

Two green jade axes, fu, Neolithic period | 新石器時代 青玉斧 一組兩件

502 Two green jade axes, fu, Neolithic period | 新石器時代 青玉斧 一組兩件

Three celadon and russet jade axes, fu, Neolithic period | 新石器時代 青玉石斧三件

503 Three celadon and russet jade axes, fu, Neolithic period | 新石器時代 青玉石斧三件

A celadon jade phallus, Neolithic period | 新石器時代  青玉祖

504 A celadon jade phallus, Neolithic period | 新石器時代 青玉祖

A group of three jade ornaments, Neolithic period or later | 新石器時代或更晚 青玉玉梳背三件

505 A group of three jade ornaments, Neolithic period or later | 新石器時代或更晚 青玉玉梳背三件

A celadon jade 'pig-dragon' pendant, Neolithic period, Hongshan culture | 新石器時代紅山文化 青玉豬龍

506 A celadon jade 'pig-dragon' pendant, Neolithic period, Hongshan culture | 新石器時代紅山文化 青玉豬龍

A celadon and russet jade 'eagle' pendant, Neolithic period, Hongshan culture | 新石器時代紅山文化 青玉鷹

507 A celadon and russet jade 'eagle' pendant, Neolithic period, Hongshan culture | 新石器時代紅山文化 青玉鷹

A celadon jade tubular bead and a jade disc, bi, Neolithic period, Hongshan culture | 新石器時代紅山文化 青玉管及方形璧

508 A celadon jade tubular bead and a jade disc, bi, Neolithic period, Hongshan culture | 新石器時代紅山文化 青玉管及方形璧

A celadon jade silkworm and a celadon jade slit ring, jue,  Neolithic period | 新石器時代 青玉玦及玉蠶

509 A celadon jade silkworm and a celadon jade slit ring, jue, Neolithic period | 新石器時代 青玉玦及玉蠶

A celadon and russet jade bangle, Neolithic period, probably Dawenkou culture | 新石器時代或大汶口文化 青玉筒形器

510 A celadon and russet jade bangle, Neolithic period, probably Dawenkou culture | 新石器時代或大汶口文化 青玉筒形器

Two calcified jade beads, Neolithic period, Liangzhu culture | 新石器時代良渚文化 玉柱形器 兩件

511 Two calcified jade beads, Neolithic period, Liangzhu culture | 新石器時代良渚文化 玉柱形器 兩件

A celadon jade cylindrical pendant, a bangle, and an earring, Neolithic period, Liangzhu culture - Shang dynasty | 新石器時代良渚文化至商 玉環兩件及玉耳環一件

512 A celadon jade cylindrical pendant, a bangle, and an earring, Neolithic period, Liangzhu culture - Shang dynasty | 新石器時代良渚文化至商 玉環兩件及玉耳環一件

A small calcified jade cong, Neolithic period, Liangzhu culture | 新石器時代良渚文化 玉琮管

513 A small calcified jade cong, Neolithic period, Liangzhu culture | 新石器時代良渚文化 玉琮管

A set of thirteen jade beads and three conical pendants, Neolithic period, Liangzhu culture | 新石器時代良渚文化 玉珠管十三件及錐形飾三件

514 A set of thirteen jade beads and three conical pendants, Neolithic period, Liangzhu culture | 新石器時代良渚文化 玉珠管十三件及錐形飾三件

Two jade awl-shaped ornaments, Neolithic period, Liangzhu culture | 新石器時代良渚文化 玉錐形飾 兩件

515 Two jade awl-shaped ornaments, Neolithic period, Liangzhu culture | 新石器時代良渚文化 玉錐形飾 兩件

A group of four celadon jade pendants, Neolithic period | 新石器時代 玉飾一組四件

516 A group of four celadon jade pendants, Neolithic period | 新石器時代 玉飾一組四件

Three white jade slit rings, jue, Neolithic period, Xiajiadian culture | 新石器時代夏家店文化 白玉玦 一組三件

517 Three white jade slit rings, jue, Neolithic period, Xiajiadian culture | 新石器時代夏家店文化 白玉玦 一組三件

Two celadon jade discs, bi, Neolithic period, Qijia culture | 新石器時代齊家文化 青玉璧兩件

518 Two celadon jade discs, bi, Neolithic period, Qijia culture | 新石器時代齊家文化 青玉璧兩件

Two greyish-celadon jade congs, Neolithic period, Longshan culture | 新石器時代龍山文化 青灰白玉素面琮兩件

519 Two greyish-celadon jade congs, Neolithic period, Longshan culture | 新石器時代龍山文化 青灰白玉素面琮兩件

A jade disc, yuan, and a celadon jade pendant, huang, Neolithic period, probably Liangzhu culture | 新石器時代或良渚文化 玉瑗及玉璜

520 A jade disc, yuan, and a celadon jade pendant, huang, Neolithic period, probably Liangzhu culture | 新石器時代或良渚文化 玉瑗及玉璜

A celadon jade slit ring, jue, Western Zhou dynasty and a celadon jade notched pendant, huang, Neolithic period, Taosi Culture | 西周 青玉玦 及 新石器時代陶寺文化 青玉璜形佩

521 A celadon jade slit ring, jue, Western Zhou dynasty and a celadon jade notched pendant, huang, Neolithic period, Taosi Culture | 西周 青玉玦 及 新石器時代陶寺文化 青玉璜形佩

A pale celadon jade disc, bi, Shang dynasty, reworked in Southern Song dynasty, and a white jade 'chilong' disc, bi, Southern Song dynasty | 商 南宋加刻仿古螭鳳紋璧 及 南宋 螭龍璧珮

522 A pale celadon jade disc, bi, Shang dynasty, reworked in Southern Song dynasty, and a white jade 'chilong' disc, bi, Southern Song dynasty | 商 南宋加刻仿古螭鳳紋璧 及 南宋 螭龍璧珮

A pale celadon jade cong, Neolithic period, Qijia culture | 新石器時代齊家文化 青白玉素面琮

523 A pale celadon jade cong, Neolithic period, Qijia culture | 新石器時代齊家文化 青白玉素面琮

A celadon jade slit ring, jue, and a celadon jade tubular bead, Neolithic period - early Shang dynasty | 新石器時代至商早期 青玉管及玉玦

524 A celadon jade slit ring, jue, and a celadon jade tubular bead, Neolithic period - early Shang dynasty | 新石器時代至商早期 青玉管及玉玦

Two white jade discs, huan, Early Shang - Han dynasty | 商早期至漢 白玉環兩件

525 Two white jade discs, huan, Early Shang - Han dynasty | 商早期至漢 白玉環兩件

Five small jade congs, Neolithic period and later | 新石器時代及更晚 玉琮 一組五件

526 Five small jade congs, Neolithic period and later | 新石器時代及更晚 玉琮 一組五件

A pale celadon jade axe, qi, Late Shang dynasty | 商晚期 白玉戚

527 A pale celadon jade axe, qi, Late Shang dynasty | 商晚期 白玉戚

Two calcified jade ornaments, Shang dynasty | 商 玉飾兩件

528 Two calcified jade ornaments, Shang dynasty | 商 玉飾兩件

A celadon jade buffalo and a calcified dragon head, Late Shang dynasty - early Zhou dynasty | 商晚期至西周早期 青玉牛首及龍首飾

529 A celadon jade buffalo and a calcified dragon head, Late Shang dynasty - early Zhou dynasty | 商晚期至西周早期 青玉牛首及龍首飾

A white jade 'chilong' tube and a celadon jade 'tiger' bead, Shang - early Western Zhou dynasty | 商至西周早期 白玉螭龍玉管及青玉虎頭珮

530 A white jade 'chilong' tube and a celadon jade 'tiger' bead, Shang - early Western Zhou dynasty | 商至西周早期 白玉螭龍玉管及青玉虎頭珮

A pale celadon jade 'fish' pendant, Western Zhou dynasty | 西周 青玉魚

531 A pale celadon jade 'fish' pendant, Western Zhou dynasty | 西周 青玉魚

Two celadon jade 'fish' pendants, Western Zhou dynasty | 西周 青玉魚 一組兩件

532 Two celadon jade 'fish' pendants, Western Zhou dynasty | 西周 青玉魚 一組兩件

A calcified jade 'fish' pendant, Western Zhou dynasty, and a jade 'fish' pendant, Ming dynasty or earlier | 西周 玉魚 及 明或更早 玉魚

533 A calcified jade 'fish' pendant, Western Zhou dynasty, and a jade 'fish' pendant, Ming dynasty or earlier | 西周 玉魚 及 明或更早 玉魚

Five jade and turquoise 'turtle's shell' pendants, Western Zhou dynasty and later | 西周及更晚 青玉龜甲墜四件及松石龜甲墜一件

534 Five jade and turquoise 'turtle's shell' pendants, Western Zhou dynasty and later | 西周及更晚 青玉龜甲墜四件及松石龜甲墜一件

Two celadon jade plaques, Neolithic period - Shang dynasty | 新石器時代至商 青玉素面墜飾兩件

535 Two celadon jade plaques, Neolithic period - Shang dynasty | 新石器時代至商 青玉素面墜飾兩件

A group of seven jade 'turtle's shell' pendants,  Western Zhou dynasty and later | 西周及更晚 玉龜甲墜 一組七件

536 A group of seven jade 'turtle's shell' pendants, Western Zhou dynasty and later | 西周及更晚 玉龜甲墜 一組七件

A set of four 'ya character' pendants,  Eastern Zhou dynasty, Spring and Autumn period | 東周春秋  玉龍紋亞字珮 一組四件

537 A set of four 'ya character' pendants, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Spring and Autumn period | 東周春秋 玉龍紋亞字珮 一組四件

Two calcified jade 'cloud' discs, bi, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Spring and Autumn period | 東周春秋 白玉卷雲紋璧两件

538 Two calcified jade 'cloud' discs, bi, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Spring and Autumn period | 東周春秋 白玉卷雲紋璧两件

Two celadon jade slit rings, jue, and a jade 'dragon' bead, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Spring and Autumn period | 戰國春秋 青玉龍紋玦兩件及蟠虺紋玉勒一件

539 Two celadon jade slit rings, jue, and a jade 'dragon' bead, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Spring and Autumn period | 戰國春秋 青玉龍紋玦兩件及蟠虺紋玉勒一件

A pale celadon jade disc, bi, and a small greyish white jade ring, huan, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國 青玉榖紋璧及灰白玉雲紋環

540 A pale celadon jade disc, bi, and a small greyish white jade ring, huan, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國 青玉榖紋璧及灰白玉雲紋環

A celadon jade disc, bi, Western Han dynasty | 西漢 青玉榖紋璧

541 A celadon jade disc, bi, Western Han dynasty | 西漢 青玉榖紋璧

A celadon jade 'dragon' pendant, Western Han dynasty | 西漢 青玉鏤空龍紋飾件

542 A celadon jade 'dragon' pendant, Western Han dynasty | 西漢 青玉鏤空龍紋飾件

A group of six jade seals, Han dynasty - Six dynasties | 漢至六朝 玉印  一組六件

543 A group of six jade seals, Han dynasty - Six dynasties | 漢至六朝 玉印 一組六件

A celadon jade pig and two calcified jade cicadas, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period - Han dynasty | 東周戰國至漢 玉蟬兩件及青玉豬握一件

544 A celadon jade pig and two calcified jade cicadas, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period - Han dynasty | 東周戰國至漢 玉蟬兩件及青玉豬握一件

A russet jade 'turtle's shell' pendant, Western Zhou dynasty or later | 西周或更晚 青玉龜甲墜

545 A russet jade 'turtle's shell' pendant, Western Zhou dynasty or later | 西周或更晚 青玉龜甲墜

A  jade ring, yuan, and two jade discs, bi, Neolithic period - Shang dynasty, reworked in Ming dynasty | 新石器時代至商  明代加刻玉環一件及玉璧兩件

546 A jade ring, yuan, and two jade discs, bi, Neolithic period - Shang dynasty, reworked in Ming dynasty | 新石器時代至商 明代加刻玉環一件及玉璧兩件

A jade disc, yuan, and a small jade cong, Ming dynasty or earlier | 明或更早 提油玉瑗及乳釘紋玉琮

547 A jade disc, yuan, and a small jade cong, Ming dynasty or earlier | 明或更早 提油玉瑗及乳釘紋玉琮

A set of four jade ornaments, Han dynasty or later | 漢或更晚 青玉司南珮、翁仲、剛卯及工字珮

548 A set of four jade ornaments, Han dynasty or later | 漢或更晚 青玉司南珮、翁仲、剛卯及工字珮