18 June - 28 June 2024 • New York

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A wucai 'dragon and phoenix' bowl, Mark and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 五彩龍鳳呈祥紋盌 《大清康熙年製》款

1 A wucai 'dragon and phoenix' bowl, Mark and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 五彩龍鳳呈祥紋盌 《大清康熙年製》款

A large famille-verte 'Hundred Antiques' bowl, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 五彩博古圖盌

2 A large famille-verte 'Hundred Antiques' bowl, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 五彩博古圖盌

A yellow-ground famille-verte 'magpies and prunus' rouleau vase, Qing dynasty, 18th / 19th century | 清十八 / 十九世紀 黃地五彩喜上眉梢圖小棒槌瓶

3 A yellow-ground famille-verte 'magpies and prunus' rouleau vase, Qing dynasty, 18th / 19th century | 清十八 / 十九世紀 黃地五彩喜上眉梢圖小棒槌瓶

A wucai 'ladies' jar, Qing dynasty, Shunzhi / early Kangxi period | 清順治 / 康熙初 青花五彩仕女圖罐

4 A wucai 'ladies' jar, Qing dynasty, Shunzhi / early Kangxi period | 清順治 / 康熙初 青花五彩仕女圖罐

A wucai 'figural' censer, Qing dynasty, Shunzhi / early Kangxi period | 清順治 / 康熙初 青花五彩人物故事圖爐

5 A wucai 'figural' censer, Qing dynasty, Shunzhi / early Kangxi period | 清順治 / 康熙初 青花五彩人物故事圖爐

A wucai 'ladies and boys' jar, Qing dynasty, Shunzhi / early Kangxi period | 清順治 / 康熙初 青花五彩仕女嬰戲圖罐

6 A wucai 'ladies and boys' jar, Qing dynasty, Shunzhi / early Kangxi period | 清順治 / 康熙初 青花五彩仕女嬰戲圖罐

A pair of celadon-ground famille-verte 'phoenix and buddhist lions' bowls, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 豆青地五彩瑞獸圖盌一對

7 A pair of celadon-ground famille-verte 'phoenix and buddhist lions' bowls, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 豆青地五彩瑞獸圖盌一對

A wucai 'floral' jar, 17th century | 十七世紀 青花五彩花卉紋罐

8 A wucai 'floral' jar, 17th century | 十七世紀 青花五彩花卉紋罐

A pair of blue and white 'dragon' meiping and covers, Ming dynasty | 明 青花龍紋帶蓋梅瓶一對

9 A pair of blue and white 'dragon' meiping and covers, Ming dynasty | 明 青花龍紋帶蓋梅瓶一對

A large blue and white 'landscape' baluster vase, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花山水人物圖觀音尊

10 A large blue and white 'landscape' baluster vase, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花山水人物圖觀音尊

Two blue and white 'ladies' jars and covers, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花仕女圖蓋罐一組兩件

11 Two blue and white 'ladies' jars and covers, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花仕女圖蓋罐一組兩件

A pair of blue and white 'Master of the Rocks' saucer dishes, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花山水圖小盤一對

13 A pair of blue and white 'Master of the Rocks' saucer dishes, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花山水圖小盤一對

Two blue and white drum-shaped jars and covers, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花人物故事圖獅鈕雙耳蓋罐兩件

14 Two blue and white drum-shaped jars and covers, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花人物故事圖獅鈕雙耳蓋罐兩件

A blue and white 'floral' jar, Ming dynasty, Wanli period | 明萬曆 青花開光花卉紋罐

15 A blue and white 'floral' jar, Ming dynasty, Wanli period | 明萬曆 青花開光花卉紋罐

A large blue and white 'landscape' baluster jar and a cover, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花開光山水花卉紋大罐配蓋

16 A large blue and white 'landscape' baluster jar and a cover, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花開光山水花卉紋大罐配蓋

A powder-blue-ground blue and white 'Budai' dish, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 灑藍地青花布袋和尚圖盤

17 A powder-blue-ground blue and white 'Budai' dish, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 灑藍地青花布袋和尚圖盤

A blue and white lobed 'floral' jardinière, Qing dynasty, 18th / 19th century | 清十八 / 十九世紀 青花纏枝花卉紋花盆

18 A blue and white lobed 'floral' jardinière, Qing dynasty, 18th / 19th century | 清十八 / 十九世紀 青花纏枝花卉紋花盆

A lavender-blue-ground slip-decorated underglaze-blue and copper-red 'prunus' vase, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 天藍地青花釉裏紅梅竹雙清紋瓶

19 A lavender-blue-ground slip-decorated underglaze-blue and copper-red 'prunus' vase, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 天藍地青花釉裏紅梅竹雙清紋瓶

A famille-rose 'butterfly and shuangxi' zhadou, Mark and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 粉彩描金蝴蝶雙囍紋渣斗 《同治年製》款

20 A famille-rose 'butterfly and shuangxi' zhadou, Mark and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 粉彩描金蝴蝶雙囍紋渣斗 《同治年製》款

A yellow-ground famille-rose 'longevity' service, Late 19th / early 20th century | 十九世紀末 / 二十世紀初 黃地粉彩「萬壽無疆」瓷一組 《大清光緒年製》款

21 A yellow-ground famille-rose 'longevity' service, Late 19th / early 20th century | 十九世紀末 / 二十世紀初 黃地粉彩「萬壽無疆」瓷一組 《大清光緒年製》款

An anhua-decorated Ming-style white-glazed 'lotus' stem bowl, Qing dynasty | 清 白釉暗花纏枝蓮紋高足盌

22 An anhua-decorated Ming-style white-glazed 'lotus' stem bowl, Qing dynasty | 清 白釉暗花纏枝蓮紋高足盌

A blue-glazed bowl, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 藍釉盌 《大清乾隆年製》款

23 A blue-glazed bowl, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 藍釉盌 《大清乾隆年製》款

Two apple-green-glazed vessels, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 蘋果綠釉瓷兩件

24 Two apple-green-glazed vessels, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 蘋果綠釉瓷兩件

A large flambé-glazed meiping, Qing dynasty, 18th / 19th century | 清十八 / 十九世紀 窰變釉大梅瓶

25 A large flambé-glazed meiping, Qing dynasty, 18th / 19th century | 清十八 / 十九世紀 窰變釉大梅瓶

A 'Langyao' red-glazed vase, Qing dynasty, 18th / 19th century | 清十八 / 十九世紀 郎窰紅釉瓶

26 A 'Langyao' red-glazed vase, Qing dynasty, 18th / 19th century | 清十八 / 十九世紀 郎窰紅釉瓶

A puce-enameled handled vase, Late Qing dynasty / Republic period | 清末 / 民國 胭脂紅釉雙耳瓶

27 A puce-enameled handled vase, Late Qing dynasty / Republic period | 清末 / 民國 胭脂紅釉雙耳瓶

A copper-red-glazed stem cup, Qing dynasty | 清 紅釉高足盃

28 A copper-red-glazed stem cup, Qing dynasty | 清 紅釉高足盃

A famille-rose 'figural' cup, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 粉彩人物故事圖盃 《大清雍正年製》款

29 A famille-rose 'figural' cup, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 粉彩人物故事圖盃 《大清雍正年製》款

A famille-rose 'peach' tianqiuping, 19th / 20th century | 十九 / 二十世紀 粉彩九桃圖天球瓶

30 A famille-rose 'peach' tianqiuping, 19th / 20th century | 十九 / 二十世紀 粉彩九桃圖天球瓶

An archaistic famille-rose 'kuilong' handled vase, Late 19th / early 20th century | 十九世紀末 / 二十世紀初 粉彩夔龍紋雙耳瓶

31 An archaistic famille-rose 'kuilong' handled vase, Late 19th / early 20th century | 十九世紀末 / 二十世紀初 粉彩夔龍紋雙耳瓶

A molded famille-rose 'figural' vase, Republic period | 民國 粉彩開光人物圖瓶

32 A molded famille-rose 'figural' vase, Republic period | 民國 粉彩開光人物圖瓶

A coral-ground famille-rose 'medallion' bowl, Late 19th / early 20th century | 十九世紀末 / 二十世紀初 珊瑚紅地描金開光粉彩祥瑞圖盌

33 A coral-ground famille-rose 'medallion' bowl, Late 19th / early 20th century | 十九世紀末 / 二十世紀初 珊瑚紅地描金開光粉彩祥瑞圖盌

A pair of famille-rose 'balsam pear' dishes, 20th century | 二十世紀 粉彩竹藤癩瓜紋小盤一對

34 A pair of famille-rose 'balsam pear' dishes, 20th century | 二十世紀 粉彩竹藤癩瓜紋小盤一對

A pair of sand-yellow-ground famille-rose 'orchid' dishes, Seal marks and period of Daoguang | 清道光 米黃釉蘭花詩文盤一對 《大清道光年製》款

35 A pair of sand-yellow-ground famille-rose 'orchid' dishes, Seal marks and period of Daoguang | 清道光 米黃釉蘭花詩文盤一對 《大清道光年製》款

A silver-mounted Imari 'floral' ewer, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花礬紅彩描金花卉紋銀釦壺

36 A silver-mounted Imari 'floral' ewer, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花礬紅彩描金花卉紋銀釦壺

Two inscribed white jade plaques, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 白玉雕麻姑獻壽及李白醉酒圖詩文牌兩件

37 Two inscribed white jade plaques, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 白玉雕麻姑獻壽及李白醉酒圖詩文牌兩件

Five inscribed jade plaques, Qing dynasty| 清 玉牌一組五件

38 Five inscribed jade plaques, Qing dynasty| 清 玉牌一組五件

Three white jade 'chilong' belt hooks, Qing dynasty | 清 白玉雕螭龍紋帶鉤三件

39 Three white jade 'chilong' belt hooks, Qing dynasty | 清 白玉雕螭龍紋帶鉤三件

Two white jade 'chilong' belt hook and a pale celadon jade 'Buddhist lion' belt buckle, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 白玉雕仿古紋龍首帶鉤兩件及青白玉雕佛獅紋帶扣

40 Two white jade 'chilong' belt hook and a pale celadon jade 'Buddhist lion' belt buckle, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 白玉雕仿古紋龍首帶鉤兩件及青白玉雕佛獅紋帶扣

A white jade 'boy and goose' group, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 白玉雕童子騎鵝擺件

41 A white jade 'boy and goose' group, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 白玉雕童子騎鵝擺件

Two white jade carvings, Qing dynasty | 清 白玉雕兩件

42 Two white jade carvings, Qing dynasty | 清 白玉雕兩件

Three jade 'double-gourd' carvings, Qing dynasty, 19th century  | 清十九世紀 玉福祿萬代雕件三件

43 Three jade 'double-gourd' carvings, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 玉福祿萬代雕件三件

A celadon jade-inset 'crane and peach' ruyi scepter, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀  青玉雕鶴壽延年紋三鑲浮雕八仙圖柄如意

44 A celadon jade-inset 'crane and peach' ruyi scepter, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 青玉雕鶴壽延年紋三鑲浮雕八仙圖柄如意

A black jade carving of a water buffalo, Qing dynasty | 清 玉雕水牛把件

45 A black jade carving of a water buffalo, Qing dynasty | 清 玉雕水牛把件

A carved white and russet jade 'scholars' thumb ring, Qing dynasty | 清 白玉褐斑高士圖扳指

46 A carved white and russet jade 'scholars' thumb ring, Qing dynasty | 清 白玉褐斑高士圖扳指

A molded 'Longquan' celadon-glazed 'fish' saucer dish, Southern Song dynasty | 南宋 龍泉窰青釉印魚紋小盤

47 A molded 'Longquan' celadon-glazed 'fish' saucer dish, Southern Song dynasty | 南宋 龍泉窰青釉印魚紋小盤

An inscribed carved 'Longquan' celadon-glazed 'lotus' charger, Early Ming dynasty | 明初 龍泉窰青釉刻蓮紋大盤

48 An inscribed carved 'Longquan' celadon-glazed 'lotus' charger, Early Ming dynasty | 明初 龍泉窰青釉刻蓮紋大盤

A large carved 'Longquan' celadon-glazed dish, Ming dynasty, 15th century | 明十五世紀 龍泉窰青釉刻花錦紋大盤

49 A large carved 'Longquan' celadon-glazed dish, Ming dynasty, 15th century | 明十五世紀 龍泉窰青釉刻花錦紋大盤