Arts d'Asie

Arts d'Asie

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 182. A blackstone stele depicting Surya, India, Bengal or Bihar, Pala / Sena period, late 11th - 12th century | 印度 孟加拉地區或比哈爾邦 拉帕 / 犀那王朝 十一紀末至十二世紀 黑石雕蘇利耶立像.

A blackstone stele depicting Surya, India, Bengal or Bihar, Pala / Sena period, late 11th - 12th century | 印度 孟加拉地區或比哈爾邦 拉帕 / 犀那王朝 十一紀末至十二世紀 黑石雕蘇利耶立像

Auction Closed

June 14, 03:20 PM GMT


40,000 - 60,000 EUR

Lot Details


A blackstone stele depicting Surya

India, Bengal or Bihar, Pala / Sena period, late 11th - 12th century

Height 59 cm, 23¼ in.


Stèle en pierre noire représentant Surya, Inde, Bengal ou Bihar, époque Pala / Sena, fin du XIe - XIIe siècle


印度 孟加拉地區或比哈爾邦 拉帕 / 犀那王朝 十一紀末至十二世紀 黑石雕蘇利耶立像

Sotheby's London, 8th December 1969, lot 45. 

Nejman Collection. 

Mossgreen Gallery, Sydney, 2006.

Philip Adams Collection, Australia.

Bonhams New York, 13th March 2017, lot 3095.





Philip Adams收藏,澳洲


Surya stands upright on a lotus with his consort Mahāsvetā at his feet together with his charioteer Aruna. The Sun god’s chariot is depicted beneath with a wheel at each side and drawn by seven horses. Surya wears boots and a short sword at his left side, vestiges of the god’s Persian origins. He is joined by his entourage, Pingala and Nikshubha on the left, Danda and Rajni on the right, and two kneeling archers Usha and Pratyusha at either side of the pedestal. Surya is considered by Hindus to be the personification of the sun and moves across the sky in his chariot. The archers usher in the daylight, dispelling the darkness with their arrows. The style of carving is typically eastern Indian from towards the end of the Pala/Sena period: compare the relatively unusual feature of the halo of flames behind the head with a late eleventh or early twelfth century Surya stele from Maldah District, Bengal in Susan L. Huntington, The Pala-Sena Schools of Sculpture, Leiden, 1984, fig. 244.