Arts d'Afrique, d'Océanie et des Amériques
Arts d'Afrique, d'Océanie et des Amériques
Property from a European Private Collection
Protoclassic, circa 100 BC – AD 250
No reserve
Auction Closed
December 12, 04:12 PM GMT
2,000 - 4,000 EUR
Lot Details
Property from a European Private Collection
Colima Vessel of a Seated Cargador
Protoclassic, circa 100 BC - AD 250
Height: 7 ½ in (19 cm)
Proctor Stafford, Los Angeles
David Stuart, Los Angeles
European Private Collection, acquired from the above on July 26, 1970
Thence by descent
The burden carrier with limbs akimbo and head turned slightly to the left with relaxed expression while supporting nine artistically-stacked ollas (wide-mouthed jars).
For a highly similar example, see Michael Kan, Clement Meighan and H.B. Nicholson, Sculpture of Ancient West Mexico, Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, The Proctor Stafford Collection, Los Angeles, 1970, front cover.