Arcade Sale | London

Arcade Sale | London

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 37. A large Ottoman embroidered silk and metal thread bohça, Turkey, circa 1800 .

A large Ottoman embroidered silk and metal thread bohça, Turkey, circa 1800

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October 29, 02:36 PM GMT


4,000 - 6,000 GBP

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Lot Details


silk panel comprised of three joined vertical panels, worked with applique silver to gold metal–tinsel, with a repeat pattern of scattered multi-blossom sprig, with a four-sided border with the same pattern, all against a cerise silk ground, mounted onto complementary cerise velvet textile and attached to stretcher

Mounted: approximately 141 by 140cm.

Textile: approximately 127 by 128cm.

Ex-collection Argine Benaki Salvago

For a comparable of a fragment of a cushion cover (yastik), seventeenth/eighteenth century, Turkey, probably Bursa, in the Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin, (Inv. no. tex 18), see (Erber 1993, pp.250-251, S 9/2), and a similarly worked bohça panel, first half eighteenth century (98 by 92cm) in the Sadberk Hanim Museum Collectiom, Istanbul (Inv. no. SMH 1662-I.865) (Bilgi and Zanbak 2012, pp.92-93, no.17).

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