A Scholar Collects

A Scholar Collects

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 33. Tapestry Design: Allegorical and Mythological Symbols of the Heavens, the Earth and the Underworld.

Gilles-Marie Oppenordt

Tapestry Design: Allegorical and Mythological Symbols of the Heavens, the Earth and the Underworld

Auction Closed

January 31, 03:58 PM GMT


40,000 - 60,000 USD

Lot Details


Gilles-Marie Oppenordt

Paris 1672 - 1742

Tapestry Design: Allegorical and Mythological Symbols of the Heavens, the Earth and the Underworld

Pen and brown ink and watercolor heightened with white over traces of black chalk, within pen and brown ink framing lines

14 by 17 ½ in.; 358 by 445 mm 

Possibly Jean de Julienne (1686-1766);

Possibly his sale, Pierre Rémy, Catalogue raissonné del tableaux , desseins & estampes, et autres effets curieux, après le décès de M. de Jullienne..., 30 March 1767, lot 879 (“Un Dessein d’Arabesque, enrichi de sujets colorés sur papier blanc, de 13 pouces de haut, sur 16 de large.”);

Possibly Charles Antoine Jombert (1712-1784);

His sale, Catalogue de tableaux, sculptures, desseins, estampes, livres,......., dont la vente se fera le lundi 15 avril & jours suivants, de relevée, en la maison de M. Jombert, pere, Libraire du Roi, rue Dauphine, 15 April 1776 and days following, as part of lot 164 (“Vingt-six Desseins d’ornemens, cartouches, plafonds, arabesques, &c. par Berain, Audran, Oppenord & autres. Ces Desseins sont coloriés;” catalogue of F.C. Joullain); 

Anonymous sale, Paris, Christie's, 10 April 2008, lot 71;

Where acquired by the present owner.

See Bruno Pons, 'Arabesques ou nouvelles grotesques', in Alain Gruber (ed.), L'Art décoratif en Europe. Classique et Baroque, Paris 1992, pp. 157-223