A Scholar Collects

A Scholar Collects

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 12. Portrait of the Artist's Mother, Madame Le Sèvre, née Jeanne Maissin.

Élisabeth Louise Vigée (later Madame Vigée Le Brun)

Portrait of the Artist's Mother, Madame Le Sèvre, née Jeanne Maissin

Auction Closed

January 31, 03:58 PM GMT


100,000 - 150,000 USD

Lot Details


Élisabeth Louise Vigée (later Madame Vigée Le Brun)

Paris 1755 - 1842

Portrait of the Artist's Mother, Madame Le Sèvre, née Jeanne Maissin

oil on canvas, an oval

canvas: 25 ⅜ by 21 ⅛ in.; 64.5 by 53.7 cm.

framed: 33 ⅛ by 29 ⅜ in.; 84.1 by 74.6 cm.

Collection of the artist, Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun (1755-1842), Paris (1842 inv.);

Thence by inheritance to her niece, Baronne de Rivière (née Charlotte-Jeanne-Élisabeth-Louise ["Caroline"] Vigée; 1791-1864), Paris, Louvenciennes, and Versailles;

Thence by descent until the second half of the nineteenth century, when sold to the Comtesse de la Ferronnays, née Marie-Louise-Guillemine Gibert (1819-1906);

Her estate sale, Paris, Hôtel Drouot, 12 April 1897, lot 18 (with the sitter misidentified), for 5,800 francs;

With Galerie Bailly, Geneva and Paris;

Anonymous sale, Monaco, Sotheby's, 22 June 1985, lot 179 (with the sitter misidentified);

Where acquired by Colnaghi;

With Stair Sainty Mathiessen, New York;

From whom acquired by a private collector;

By whom anonymously sold ("The Property of a Private Collector"), New York, Christie's, 27 January 2000, lot 68;

Where acquired by Dr. and Mrs. Ira Kaufman, New York;

By whom anonymously sold ("Property of a Gentleman"), New York, Christie's, 25 January 2012, lot 139;

Where acquired by the present collector.

J. Tripier Le Franc, Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Mme Le Brun, Paris 1828, pp. 179-180;

E.L. Vigée Le Brun, Souvenirs de Madame Louise-Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, Paris 1835, vol. I, pp. 23, 318;

P. de Nolhac, Madame Vigée-Le Brun, peintre de la reine Marie-Antoinette, 1755-1842, Paris 1908, p. 20;

W.H. Helm, Vigée-Lebrun, 1755-1842: Her Life, Works, and Friendships, London 1915, p. 197;

J. Baillio, “Quelques peintures réattribuées à Vigée Le Brun,” in Gazette des beaux-arts 99 (January 1982), p. 14 (citing an erroneous account by Caroline Rivière's descendants to the effect that the present portrait was destroyed);

J. Baillio, Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun, 1755-1842, exhibition catalogue, Fort Worth 1982, p. 32, under cat. no. 2;

A. Wintermute, in The French Portrait 1550-1850, exhibition catalogue, A. Wintermute (ed.), New York 1996, pp. 56-57, reproduced plate 15;

D. Garstang, in The French Portrait 1550-1850, exhibition catalogue, A. Wintermute (ed.), New York 1996, p. 99, reproduced;

G. Haroche-Bouzinac, Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun, Histoire d’un regard, Paris 2011, pp. 513, 523, reproduced fig. 2;

É.L. Vigée Le Brun, Souvenirs de Madame Louise-Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, P. Weillers (ed.), Paris 2015, vol. I, p. 17, reproduced;

J. Baillio, in Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun, exhibition catalogue, J. Baillio and X. Salmon (eds.), Paris 2015, p. 111, cat. no. 18, reproduced;

J. Baillio, in Vigée Le Brun, exhibition catalogue, New York 2016, p. 62, cat. no. 2; p. 243, reproduced p. 63;

J. Baillio, in The Gaudium Collection, Old Master Highlights Outside of Portugal, C. Lodovica de Angelis Corvi (ed.), Florence 2020, p. 128, reproduced;

X. Salmon, in Cent portraits pour un siècle, De la cour à la ville sous les règnes de Louis XV et Louis XVI, exhibition catalogue, Versailles 2020, p. 172, under cat. no. 85.

Paris, Galeries nationales du Grand Palais; New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art; Ottawa, Musée des Beaux-Arts du Canada, Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun, 23 September 2015 - 12 September 2016, no. 18 (Paris), no. 2 (New York and Ottawa).