A Journey Through China's History. The Dr Wou Kiuan Collection Online. Part III

A Journey Through China's History. The Dr Wou Kiuan Collection Online. Part III

A Journey Through China's History. The Dr Wou Kiuan Collection Online. Part III

A Journey Through China's History. The Dr Wou Kiuan Collection Online. Part III

8 May - 15 May 2024 • London

您的当地时间 • 13:00 PM GMT

Two archaic jade sword scabbard slides, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period / Han dynasty | 東周戰國 / 漢 玉劍璏一組兩件

1 Two archaic jade sword scabbard slides, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period / Han dynasty | 東周戰國 / 漢 玉劍璏一組兩件

An archaic jade archer's ring, Han dynasty| 東周末至漢 玉韘及玉環一組兩件

2 An archaic jade archer's ring, Han dynasty| 東周末至漢 玉韘及玉環一組兩件

A group of eleven jade and glass beads, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國 各式玉珠和料珠一組十一件

3 A group of eleven jade and glass beads, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國 各式玉珠和料珠一組十一件

A group of seven jade beads and toggles, Han dynasty or later | 漢或以後 各式玉飾一組七件

4 A group of seven jade beads and toggles, Han dynasty or later | 漢或以後 各式玉飾一組七件

A group of seven stone carvings, Neolithic Period to Early Western Han dynasty | 新石器時代至西漢初 各式石雕一組七件

5 A group of seven stone carvings, Neolithic Period to Early Western Han dynasty | 新石器時代至西漢初 各式石雕一組七件

An archaic gold and silver-inlaid bronze head of a bird, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國 銅錯金銀鳥首擺件

6 An archaic gold and silver-inlaid bronze head of a bird, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國 銅錯金銀鳥首擺件

An archaic bronze crossbow component, Eastern Han dynasty | 東漢 青銅弩機

7 An archaic bronze crossbow component, Eastern Han dynasty | 東漢 青銅弩機

A group of three archaic bronze spearheads, Zhou dynasty | 周 青銅矛頭一組三件 及 東周戰國 青銅刀幣

8 A group of three archaic bronze spearheads, Zhou dynasty | 周 青銅矛頭一組三件 及 東周戰國 青銅刀幣

A group of seventeen bronze belthooks, Zhou - Early Han dynasty | 周至漢初 各式銅帶鉤一組十七件

9 A group of seventeen bronze belthooks, Zhou - Early Han dynasty | 周至漢初 各式銅帶鉤一組十七件

A group of five archaic bronze spearheads, Zhou / Han dynasty | 周 / 漢 銅矛一組五件

10 A group of five archaic bronze spearheads, Zhou / Han dynasty | 周 / 漢 銅矛一組五件

A group of three archaic bronze dagger axes (Ge), Zhou dynasty | 周 青銅戈一組三件

11 A group of three archaic bronze dagger axes (Ge), Zhou dynasty | 周 青銅戈一組三件

A group of five archaic bronze discs, Western Zhou dynasty | 西周 青銅馬飾一組五件

12 A group of five archaic bronze discs, Western Zhou dynasty | 西周 青銅馬飾一組五件

An archaic bronze ritual pouring vessel and cover (He), Western Han dynasty | 西漢 鳳首盉 及 漢 青銅壺一組兩件

13 An archaic bronze ritual pouring vessel and cover (He), Western Han dynasty | 西漢 鳳首盉 及 漢 青銅壺一組兩件

A group of three archaic bronze bowls, Han dynasty | 漢 銅佛鉢、銅饕餮鋪首活環耳洗 及 銅洗一組三件

14 A group of three archaic bronze bowls, Han dynasty | 漢 銅佛鉢、銅饕餮鋪首活環耳洗 及 銅洗一組三件

Two bronze seals, Han dynasty or later | 漢或以後 銅印一組兩件

15 Two bronze seals, Han dynasty or later | 漢或以後 銅印一組兩件

A group of five bronze mirrors, Han dynasty | 漢 銅鏡一組五件

16 A group of five bronze mirrors, Han dynasty | 漢 銅鏡一組五件

A group of six bronze mirrors, Song and later| 宋及以後 銅鏡一組六件

17 A group of six bronze mirrors, Song and later| 宋及以後 銅鏡一組六件

A group of bronze artefacts, Han dynasty and later | 漢及以後 各式銅器一組二十二件

18 A group of bronze artefacts, Han dynasty and later | 漢及以後 各式銅器一組二十二件

A group of seven bronze fittings and fragments, Zhou dynasty and later | 周及以後 各式銅飾及殘件一組七件

19 A group of seven bronze fittings and fragments, Zhou dynasty and later | 周及以後 各式銅飾及殘件一組七件

A study group of bronze fittings and fragments, Zhou dynasty and later  |  周及以後 各式銅飾及殘件一組二十六件

20 A study group of bronze fittings and fragments, Zhou dynasty and later | 周及以後 各式銅飾及殘件一組二十六件

A group of seven bronze ornaments, Inner Mongolia, Ordos, 6th-2nd century BC | 公元前六至二世紀 各式鄂爾多斯銅飾一組七件

21 A group of seven bronze ornaments, Inner Mongolia, Ordos, 6th-2nd century BC | 公元前六至二世紀 各式鄂爾多斯銅飾一組七件

Anonymous, Farming in Spring | 佚名 《春耕圖》水墨絹本

22 Anonymous, Farming in Spring | 佚名 《春耕圖》水墨絹本

Attributed to Dai Xi, Landscape after the rain | (款)戴熙《雨後春山圖》水墨紙本 鏡框

23 Attributed to Dai Xi, Landscape after the rain | (款)戴熙《雨後春山圖》水墨紙本 鏡框

Anonymous, Landscape | 佚名《輞川圖卷》水墨絹本 鏡框

24 Anonymous, Landscape | 佚名《輞川圖卷》水墨絹本 鏡框

Anonymous, Liu Hai and toad | 佚名《劉海戲蟾》設色絹本 立軸

25 Anonymous, Liu Hai and toad | 佚名《劉海戲蟾》設色絹本 立軸

A group of four paintings depicting ladies | 佚名《碧陰清暑圖》設色紙本 立軸、佚名《空庭梧桐影》設色紙本 立軸、佚名《春庭小歇》設色紙本 立軸、佚名《溽暑蟬韻》設色紙本 立軸一組四件

26 A group of four paintings depicting ladies | 佚名《碧陰清暑圖》設色紙本 立軸、佚名《空庭梧桐影》設色紙本 立軸、佚名《春庭小歇》設色紙本 立軸、佚名《溽暑蟬韻》設色紙本 立軸一組四件

Two paintings depicting geese and kingfisher | 佚名《平沙落雁》設色紙本 鏡框 及 佚名《荷塘翠鳥》設色紙本 鏡框

27 Two paintings depicting geese and kingfisher | 佚名《平沙落雁》設色紙本 鏡框 及 佚名《荷塘翠鳥》設色紙本 鏡框

Attributed to Sheng Zishao and Wang Chong, Eight scenes of landscape  | (傳)盛子昭、(傳)王寵《瀟湘八景》設色絹本 七開冊

28 Attributed to Sheng Zishao and Wang Chong, Eight scenes of landscape | (傳)盛子昭、(傳)王寵《瀟湘八景》設色絹本 七開冊

Attributed to Zhang Hua, Flowers of four seasons | (款)張華 《四時花卉》 設色絹本 十開冊

29 Attributed to Zhang Hua, Flowers of four seasons | (款)張華 《四時花卉》 設色絹本 十開冊

A group of five paintings depicting flowers and plants | 佚名《墨竹圖》水墨紙本 立軸、佚名《幽篁圖》水墨紙本 立軸、(款)何涵宇《牡丹圖》設色紙本 立軸、(款)梁藹如《孤舟渡江》水墨紙本 冊頁 及 佚名《狀元紅》設色絹本

30 A group of five paintings depicting flowers and plants | 佚名《墨竹圖》水墨紙本 立軸、佚名《幽篁圖》水墨紙本 立軸、(款)何涵宇《牡丹圖》設色紙本 立軸、(款)梁藹如《孤舟渡江》水墨紙本 冊頁 及 佚名《狀元紅》設色絹本

A group of five paintings depicting orchids | (款)竹禪《墨蘭圖》水墨紙本 立軸、日本(款)小室翠雲《石蘭繪》水墨紙本 立軸、(款) 鄭際平《臨石刻蘭圖》水墨紙本 立軸、(款)鄭際平《蘭花》水墨紙本 立軸 及 (款)鄭際平 《空谷幽香》水墨紙本 立軸一組五件

31 A group of five paintings depicting orchids | (款)竹禪《墨蘭圖》水墨紙本 立軸、日本(款)小室翠雲《石蘭繪》水墨紙本 立軸、(款) 鄭際平《臨石刻蘭圖》水墨紙本 立軸、(款)鄭際平《蘭花》水墨紙本 立軸 及 (款)鄭際平 《空谷幽香》水墨紙本 立軸一組五件

Two paintings depicting flowers and bird | (款)錢維城《秋露凝香圖》設色絹本 鏡框 及 佚名《枝葉鳥息》設色絹本 立軸

32 Two paintings depicting flowers and bird | (款)錢維城《秋露凝香圖》設色絹本 鏡框 及 佚名《枝葉鳥息》設色絹本 立軸

Two paintings depicting animals | (款)陸治《豐稔圖》設色絹本 立軸 及 佚名《仿趙孟頫畫馬圖》水墨絹本 立軸一組兩件

33 Two paintings depicting animals | (款)陸治《豐稔圖》設色絹本 立軸 及 佚名《仿趙孟頫畫馬圖》水墨絹本 立軸一組兩件

Attributed to Shang Yi, Royal banquet | (款)商琦《明皇宴諸王圖》水墨絹本 手卷

34 Attributed to Shang Yi, Royal banquet | (款)商琦《明皇宴諸王圖》水墨絹本 手卷

Two paintings depicting pavilion amongst landscape | 佚名 《山水樓閣》 設色絹本 框一組兩件

35 Two paintings depicting pavilion amongst landscape | 佚名 《山水樓閣》 設色絹本 框一組兩件

Anonymous, Village Celebration | 佚名 《城山喜慶》 設色絹本 鏡框

36 Anonymous, Village Celebration | 佚名 《城山喜慶》 設色絹本 鏡框

Two paintings of boys and scholar | 佚名《嬰戲圖》設色絹本 鏡框 及 (款)邊景昭《高士童子》設色絹本一組兩件

37 Two paintings of boys and scholar | 佚名《嬰戲圖》設色絹本 鏡框 及 (款)邊景昭《高士童子》設色絹本一組兩件

Attributed to Bei Mingsheng, Landscape with white clouds | (款)北溟生《青山白雲圖》設色紙本 立軸

38 Attributed to Bei Mingsheng, Landscape with white clouds | (款)北溟生《青山白雲圖》設色紙本 立軸

A famille-verte 'bird' dish, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period |  清康熙 五彩喜上眉梢紋盤 及 伊萬里式盤一組兩件

39 A famille-verte 'bird' dish, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 五彩喜上眉梢紋盤 及 伊萬里式盤一組兩件

A pair of yellow-ground famille-rose 'lotus and egret' vases, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 黃地粉彩路路連科圖方瓶一對

40 A pair of yellow-ground famille-rose 'lotus and egret' vases, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 黃地粉彩路路連科圖方瓶一對

Two biscuit-enamelled sancai wares, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 素三彩花卉紋盌一組兩件

41 Two biscuit-enamelled sancai wares, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 素三彩花卉紋盌一組兩件

A famille-verte 'lotus pond' rectangular tray, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 五彩荷雁圖盤

42 A famille-verte 'lotus pond' rectangular tray, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 五彩荷雁圖盤

A large carved celadon-glazed vase, Republican period | 民國 青釉仿古雙耳瓶 《大明弘治年製》仿款

43 A large carved celadon-glazed vase, Republican period | 民國 青釉仿古雙耳瓶 《大明弘治年製》仿款

A large pottery jar, Six dynasties | 六朝 弦紋饕餮鋪首陶罐

44 A large pottery jar, Six dynasties | 六朝 弦紋饕餮鋪首陶罐

A group of four 'Yue' celadon-glazed wares, Six dynasties / Song dynasty | 六朝至宋 越窰青釉器一組四件

45 A group of four 'Yue' celadon-glazed wares, Six dynasties / Song dynasty | 六朝至宋 越窰青釉器一組四件

A study group of nine monochromatic ceramics, Song dynasty and later | 宋及以後 各式單色釉瓷器一組九件

46 A study group of nine monochromatic ceramics, Song dynasty and later | 宋及以後 各式單色釉瓷器一組九件

A ‘Jizhou’ 'floral' teabowl, Southern Song dynasty | 南宋 吉州窰花紋盌

47 A ‘Jizhou’ 'floral' teabowl, Southern Song dynasty | 南宋 吉州窰花紋盌

A celadon-glazed slip-deocrated box and cover, Goryeo dynasty, 13th / 14th century | 高麗 十三 / 十四世紀 青釉蓋盒 及青釉盌 一組兩件

48 A celadon-glazed slip-deocrated box and cover, Goryeo dynasty, 13th / 14th century | 高麗 十三 / 十四世紀 青釉蓋盒 及青釉盌 一組兩件