The Victor Shaw Collection of Chinese Jades: Online Part 4

The Victor Shaw Collection of Chinese Jades: Online Part 4

The Victor Shaw Collection of Chinese Jades: Online Part 4

The Victor Shaw Collection of Chinese Jades: Online Part 4

26 November - 5 December 2023 • Hong Kong

Your local time • 06:00 AM GMT

Two archaic jade axes, Neolithic period 新石器時代 玉斧兩件

5501 Two archaic jade axes, Neolithic period 新石器時代 玉斧兩件

A celadon jade disc, yuan, and a jade blade, ge, Shang dynasty 商 青玉瑗及玉戈 一組兩件

5502 A celadon jade disc, yuan, and a jade blade, ge, Shang dynasty 商 青玉瑗及玉戈 一組兩件

A group of six jade plugs and a pair of jade earrings, Han dynasty 漢 玉塞六件及玉玦一對

5503 A group of six jade plugs and a pair of jade earrings, Han dynasty 漢 玉塞六件及玉玦一對

A set of nine rock-crystal facial apertures covers and plugs, Han dynasty or later 漢或更晚 水晶九竅塞一組

5504 A set of nine rock-crystal facial apertures covers and plugs, Han dynasty or later 漢或更晚 水晶九竅塞一組

A calcified celadon jade pig, Eastern Han - Jin dynasty 東漢至晉 青玉豬握

5505 A calcified celadon jade pig, Eastern Han - Jin dynasty 東漢至晉 青玉豬握

A greyish-white and russet jade dragon tortoise, Song - Yuan dynasty 宋至元 灰白玉龍龜

5506 A greyish-white and russet jade dragon tortoise, Song - Yuan dynasty 宋至元 灰白玉龍龜

A yellow jade 'parrot' pendant, Song dynasty or earlier 宋或以前 黃玉鸚鵡珮

5507 A yellow jade 'parrot' pendant, Song dynasty or earlier 宋或以前 黃玉鸚鵡珮

A celadon and russet jade phoenix and a grayish-white jade bird, Ming dynasty or earlier 明或以前 青玉鳳凰一件及灰白玉鳥一件

5508 A celadon and russet jade phoenix and a grayish-white jade bird, Ming dynasty or earlier 明或以前 青玉鳳凰一件及灰白玉鳥一件

Two celadon and russet jade horses, Ming dynasty 明 青玉臥馬兩件

5509 Two celadon and russet jade horses, Ming dynasty 明 青玉臥馬兩件

Two yellow jade recumbent horses, Ming dynasty or earlier 明或以前 黃玉臥馬兩件

5510 Two yellow jade recumbent horses, Ming dynasty or earlier 明或以前 黃玉臥馬兩件

A greyish-white jade 'dragon king' and a greyish-white jade 'dragon' finial, Ming dynasty 明 灰白玉龍王一件及灰白玉龍鈕一件

5511 A greyish-white jade 'dragon king' and a greyish-white jade 'dragon' finial, Ming dynasty 明 灰白玉龍王一件及灰白玉龍鈕一件

A pale celadon and russet jade 'mythical animal and lingzhi' group, Ming dynasty 明 青白玉靈芝瑞獸

5512 A pale celadon and russet jade 'mythical animal and lingzhi' group, Ming dynasty 明 青白玉靈芝瑞獸

A group of three jade mythical beasts, Ming dynasty 明 玉雕瑞獸一組三件

5513 A group of three jade mythical beasts, Ming dynasty 明 玉雕瑞獸一組三件

Two celadon jade 'mythical beast' hat finial, Jin - Yuan dynasty 金至元 青玉瑞獸冠飾兩件

5514 Two celadon jade 'mythical beast' hat finial, Jin - Yuan dynasty 金至元 青玉瑞獸冠飾兩件

Two celadon and russet jade recumbent horses, Ming dynasty 明 青玉臥馬兩件

5515 Two celadon and russet jade recumbent horses, Ming dynasty 明 青玉臥馬兩件

A yellow jade 'bird' pendant, a celadon jade 'bird' pendant, and a celadon jade 'bird' finial, Jin - Yuan dynasty 金至元 黃玉鳥形墜飾一件、青玉鳥形墜飾一件、及青玉鳥形冠飾一件

5516 A yellow jade 'bird' pendant, a celadon jade 'bird' pendant, and a celadon jade 'bird' finial, Jin - Yuan dynasty 金至元 黃玉鳥形墜飾一件、青玉鳥形墜飾一件、及青玉鳥形冠飾一件

Two celadon and russet jade horses, Ming dynasty 明 青玉臥馬兩件

5517 Two celadon and russet jade horses, Ming dynasty 明 青玉臥馬兩件

A group of three jade mythical beasts, xiezhi, Ming - Qing dynasty, 18th century 明至清十八世紀 玉雕獬豸一組三件

5518 A group of three jade mythical beasts, xiezhi, Ming - Qing dynasty, 18th century 明至清十八世紀 玉雕獬豸一組三件

Two white jade carved lions and a white and russet jade carved toad, Ming dynasty 明 白玉獅兩件 及 白玉蟾蜍一件

5519 Two white jade carved lions and a white and russet jade carved toad, Ming dynasty 明 白玉獅兩件 及 白玉蟾蜍一件

A group of three jade animals, Ming dynasty or earlier 明或更早 玉雕動物一組三件

5520 A group of three jade animals, Ming dynasty or earlier 明或更早 玉雕動物一組三件

Two yellow and russet jade horses, Qing dynasty, 17th - 18th century 清十七至十八世紀 黃玉馬兩件

5521 Two yellow and russet jade horses, Qing dynasty, 17th - 18th century 清十七至十八世紀 黃玉馬兩件

A white jade turtle shell, a celadon jade 'elephant' pendant, and a pale celadon jade bear, Ming dynasty or earlier 明或更早 白玉龜甲、青玉瑞象珮、及青白玉臥熊

5522 A white jade turtle shell, a celadon jade 'elephant' pendant, and a pale celadon jade bear, Ming dynasty or earlier 明或更早 白玉龜甲、青玉瑞象珮、及青白玉臥熊

A greyish-celadon jade 'boy and buffalo' group and a pale celadon jade buffalo, Ming dynasty 明 灰青玉童子牧牛 及 青白玉臥牛

5523 A greyish-celadon jade 'boy and buffalo' group and a pale celadon jade buffalo, Ming dynasty 明 灰青玉童子牧牛 及 青白玉臥牛

A yellowish-celadon jade recumbent camel, Qing dynasty, 17th - 18th century 清十七至十八世紀 青黃玉駱駝

5524 A yellowish-celadon jade recumbent camel, Qing dynasty, 17th - 18th century 清十七至十八世紀 青黃玉駱駝

A white jade 'three rams' group, Qing dynasty, 18th century 清十八世紀 白玉三陽開泰把件

5525 A white jade 'three rams' group, Qing dynasty, 18th century 清十八世紀 白玉三陽開泰把件

A celadon jade 'ram and lingzhi' group and a white jade 'three rams' group, Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century 清十八至十九世紀 青白玉羊銜靈芝 及 白玉三陽開泰

5526 A celadon jade 'ram and lingzhi' group and a white jade 'three rams' group, Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century 清十八至十九世紀 青白玉羊銜靈芝 及 白玉三陽開泰

A white jade horse and a pale celadon jade 'horse and monkey' group, Ming dynasty 明 白玉臥馬 及 青白玉馬上封侯擺件

5527 A white jade horse and a pale celadon jade 'horse and monkey' group, Ming dynasty 明 白玉臥馬 及 青白玉馬上封侯擺件

A group of five white jade carvings of animals and mythical beasts, Qing dynasty, 17th - 19th century 清十七至十九世紀 白玉雕動物神獸 一組五件

5528 A group of five white jade carvings of animals and mythical beasts, Qing dynasty, 17th - 19th century 清十七至十九世紀 白玉雕動物神獸 一組五件

A pale celadon and russet jade carved elephant and a 'lion and cub' group, Late Ming to early Qing dynasty 明末清初 青玉象形墜飾及太獅少獅墜飾

5529 A pale celadon and russet jade carved elephant and a 'lion and cub' group, Late Ming to early Qing dynasty 明末清初 青玉象形墜飾及太獅少獅墜飾

A greyish-celadon jade mythical beast, Ming dynasty, and a white jade duck, Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century 明 灰青玉瑞獸 及 清十八至十九世紀 白玉寶鴨

5530 A greyish-celadon jade mythical beast, Ming dynasty, and a white jade duck, Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century 明 灰青玉瑞獸 及 清十八至十九世紀 白玉寶鴨

Two greyish-white jade buffalos, Late Ming - early Qing dynasty 明末清初 灰白玉牛兩件

5531 Two greyish-white jade buffalos, Late Ming - early Qing dynasty 明末清初 灰白玉牛兩件

A group of three jade pigs, Ming dynasty or earlier - Qing dynasty 明或以前至清 玉豬一組三件

5532 A group of three jade pigs, Ming dynasty or earlier - Qing dynasty 明或以前至清 玉豬一組三件

A celadon and russet jade carved of recumbent deer, Late Ming - early Qing dynasty 明末清初 青玉臥鹿

5533 A celadon and russet jade carved of recumbent deer, Late Ming - early Qing dynasty 明末清初 青玉臥鹿

A celadon jade carved 'bird' hat finial and a white and russet jade carved goose, Jin - Ming dynasty 金至明 青玉鳥形帽頂及白玉鵝形墜

5534 A celadon jade carved 'bird' hat finial and a white and russet jade carved goose, Jin - Ming dynasty 金至明 青玉鳥形帽頂及白玉鵝形墜

A yellow jade recumbent ram, Ming dynasty, and a white jade 'three rams' group, Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century 明 黃玉臥羊 及 清十八至十九世紀 白玉三陽開泰

5535 A yellow jade recumbent ram, Ming dynasty, and a white jade 'three rams' group, Qing dynasty, 18th - 19th century 明 黃玉臥羊 及 清十八至十九世紀 白玉三陽開泰

Two pale celadon and russet jade 'deer and lingzhi' groups, Ming - Qing dynasty, 18th century 明至清十八世紀 青白玉鹿銜靈芝兩件

5536 Two pale celadon and russet jade 'deer and lingzhi' groups, Ming - Qing dynasty, 18th century 明至清十八世紀 青白玉鹿銜靈芝兩件

A pale celadon and russet jade 'deer' paper weight, Qing dynasty, 17th - 18th century 清十七至十八世紀 青玉臥鹿銜芝鎮紙

5537 A pale celadon and russet jade 'deer' paper weight, Qing dynasty, 17th - 18th century 清十七至十八世紀 青玉臥鹿銜芝鎮紙

A pale celadon jade archaistic 'dragon' belt hook and a yellowish-celadon jade mythical beast, Late Ming - early Qing dynasty 明末清初 青白玉仿古龍首帶鉤一件 及 青黃玉瑞獸一件

5538 A pale celadon jade archaistic 'dragon' belt hook and a yellowish-celadon jade mythical beast, Late Ming - early Qing dynasty 明末清初 青白玉仿古龍首帶鉤一件 及 青黃玉瑞獸一件

A group of three white jade and celadon jade 'feline' groups, Ming - Qing dynasty, 18th century 明至清十九世紀 白玉及青玉瑞獸一組三件

5539 A group of three white jade and celadon jade 'feline' groups, Ming - Qing dynasty, 18th century 明至清十九世紀 白玉及青玉瑞獸一組三件

A yellow jade 'camel' pendant and a yellowish-celadon and russet jade 'deer and crane boulder' pendants, 17th century 十七世紀 黃玉駱駝珮 及 青黃玉帶皮鶴鹿同春山子珮

5540 A yellow jade 'camel' pendant and a yellowish-celadon and russet jade 'deer and crane boulder' pendants, 17th century 十七世紀 黃玉駱駝珮 及 青黃玉帶皮鶴鹿同春山子珮

A group of four jade animals, Ming - Qing dynasty, 18th century 明至清十八世紀 玉雕肖生一組四件

5541 A group of four jade animals, Ming - Qing dynasty, 18th century 明至清十八世紀 玉雕肖生一組四件

Two soapstone buffalos and a pale celadon jade 'boy and buffalo' group, Ming - Qing dynasty 明至清 壽山石臥牛兩件 及 青玉童子牧牛一件

5542 Two soapstone buffalos and a pale celadon jade 'boy and buffalo' group, Ming - Qing dynasty 明至清 壽山石臥牛兩件 及 青玉童子牧牛一件

Two pale celadon jade recumbent dogs, Song dynasty, and two celadon jade dogs, 20th century 宋 青白玉臥犬兩件 及 二十世紀 青玉犬兩件

5543 Two pale celadon jade recumbent dogs, Song dynasty, and two celadon jade dogs, 20th century 宋 青白玉臥犬兩件 及 二十世紀 青玉犬兩件

A group of three jade carvings, Ming or earlier to Qing dynasty, 19th century 明或更早至清 玉雕一組三件

5544 A group of three jade carvings, Ming or earlier to Qing dynasty, 19th century 明或更早至清 玉雕一組三件

Two pale celadon jade 'bixie' pendants and two celadon jade and pale celadon jade mythical animals, Ming - Qing dynasty, 17th century 明至清十七世紀 青白玉辟邪珮兩件 及 青玉、青白玉瑞獸兩件

5545 Two pale celadon jade 'bixie' pendants and two celadon jade and pale celadon jade mythical animals, Ming - Qing dynasty, 17th century 明至清十七世紀 青白玉辟邪珮兩件 及 青玉、青白玉瑞獸兩件

A jade 'bird' pendant, Yuan - Ming dynasty, and two jade mythical beasts, Ming dynasty 元至明 玉雕鳥形珮一件 及 明 青玉、灰玉瑞獸兩件

5546 A jade 'bird' pendant, Yuan - Ming dynasty, and two jade mythical beasts, Ming dynasty 元至明 玉雕鳥形珮一件 及 明 青玉、灰玉瑞獸兩件

A group of seven jade geese, Ming - Qing dynasty 明至清 玉鵝一組七件

5547 A group of seven jade geese, Ming - Qing dynasty 明至清 玉鵝一組七件

A yellow jade 'three rams' group, Late Ming - early Qing dynasty, and a white jade 'three rams' group, Qing dynasty, 19th century 明末清初 黃玉三陽開泰 及 清十九世紀 白玉三陽開泰

5548 A yellow jade 'three rams' group, Late Ming - early Qing dynasty, and a white jade 'three rams' group, Qing dynasty, 19th century 明末清初 黃玉三陽開泰 及 清十九世紀 白玉三陽開泰

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