The Provenance Collection | A Pristine Cellar Of Original Purchases
The Provenance Collection | A Pristine Cellar Of Original Purchases
July 28, 05:52:00 AM GMT
8,500 - 11,000 HKD
Dom Pérignon 2002
On New Year's Eve 2022, an orange grove fragrance that is truly intoxicating, in its most magical form. The Chardonnay in this was picked at the perfect time. A huge, sourdough and brioche taste, so noble and full, with a juiciness of the ripest oranges allied to ideal freshness and mouth-coating volume - what a marriage. Expansive, spicy, salty and multi-layered. Lanolin smooth, with the balance of the greatest. The vitality of this incredible vintage is astounding - and DP 2002 is forever with the signature of Richard Geoffrey. Serena Sutcliffe, MW
WA 96
2019年品嚐,甫入口即嚐到熟潤的莎當妮葡萄味,醉人心弦。世外桃源般的芬芳撲面而至,夾雜乾杏脯香。藏有一股怡人的礦物味,背後滲出的溫文爾雅,彷似初夏樹籬氣息。此酒一如以往口感精緻,順滑悠長,被釀酒師Vincent Chaperon形容為黃金年份瑰釀,其實媲美鉑金等級!口說無憑,親自品飲並陶醉其中才是正事......施慧娜(葡萄酒大師M.W.)
6 bts (oc)
The Hong Kong Tax has been fully paid on these lots, however, the buyer has sole responsibility for any transport costs and any duty or taxes when shipping the lot outside of Hong Kong.
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
Image is for Reference only. For bottle condition please refer to cataloguing notes.