The Epicurean's Atlas: The Encyclopaedic Cellar Day 2

The Epicurean's Atlas: The Encyclopaedic Cellar Day 2

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 6914. Romanée St. Vivant 2015 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti (6 BT).

Romanée St. Vivant 2015 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti (6 BT)

Auction Closed

November 25, 10:24 AM GMT


120,000 - 160,000 HKD

Lot Details


Romanée St. Vivant 2015 

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti 

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru 

Canadian back labels, consecutive bottle numbers, bands included 

Average age of vines, 37 years. 26.26 hl/ha made. In 2018, an 'irony', mineral nose, clear and pure. On the palate, a terrific flavour of redcurrants, so much so that you feel you can bite into it. Silky textured and very savoury, but with power behind, lurking with intent and ready to 'pounce'. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 


葡萄藤平均樹齡37年,每公頃生產2,626 公升。2018年品嚐,散發一股「生鐵」般的礦物氣息,清冽純淨。帶曼妙的紅醋栗味,感覺幾乎可咀嚼。口感絲滑,美味宜人;然而後勁洶湧澎湃,迅猛襲人。施慧娜(葡萄酒大師M.W.) 

6 bts (owc) 

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