The Epicurean's Atlas: The Encyclopaedic Cellar Day 2

The Epicurean's Atlas: The Encyclopaedic Cellar Day 2

La Tâche 2015 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti (1 MAG)

Auction Closed

November 25, 10:24 AM GMT


100,000 - 130,000 HKD

Lot Details


La Tâche 2015 

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti 

Côte de Nuits, Grand Cru 

Canadian back label 

Average age of vines, 50 years. 25.55 hl/ha made. In 2018, a 'silky' nose of real breed, with an all-invasive perfume that is very slightly 'Asian'. The feel in the mouth is noble, with notes of violets and vanillin and a 'sweetness' that is totally seductive. It just 'never dies', snowballing the dimension and depth as the seconds pass. Formidable. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 

葡萄藤平均樹齡50年,每公頃產量 2,555 公升。2018年品嚐,係出名門的絲滑氣息,裊裊的亞細亞韻味浸潤感官。口感高貴,帶紫羅蘭和香子蘭氣息,夾雜一股令人難以抗拒的甜香。餘韻持久不散,廣度和深度如滾雪球般層層累積。剛勁渾厚。施慧娜(葡萄酒大師M.W.) 

1 mag (cn) 

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