The Edith & Stuart Cary Welch Collection

The Edith & Stuart Cary Welch Collection

The Edith & Stuart Cary Welch Collection

An archaic jade blade (Ge), Early Shang dynasty | 商 玉戈

1 An archaic jade blade (Ge), Early Shang dynasty | 商 玉戈

An archaic pale brown jade notched blade (Fu), Shang dynasty | 商 玉斧

2 An archaic pale brown jade notched blade (Fu), Shang dynasty | 商 玉斧

An archaic greenish-grey jade axe (Yue), Shang dynasty | 商 玉鉞

3 An archaic greenish-grey jade axe (Yue), Shang dynasty | 商 玉鉞

An archaic bronze 'dragon' ceremonial blade (Qi), Spring and Autumn period | 戰國 銅戚

4 An archaic bronze 'dragon' ceremonial blade (Qi), Spring and Autumn period | 戰國 銅戚

An archaic inlaid bronze dagger (Ge), Warring States period | 戰國 青銅夔龍紋戈

5 An archaic inlaid bronze dagger (Ge), Warring States period | 戰國 青銅夔龍紋戈

A gilt-bronze rectangular plaque, Qin / Western Han dynasty | 秦 / 西漢 鎏金銅牌

6 A gilt-bronze rectangular plaque, Qin / Western Han dynasty | 秦 / 西漢 鎏金銅牌

A gold-inlaid bronze 'tiger' fragment, Warring States period | 戰國 青銅鎏金虎型鐏

7 A gold-inlaid bronze 'tiger' fragment, Warring States period | 戰國 青銅鎏金虎型鐏

An archaic bronze mask, late Shang / early Western Zhou dynasty | 商末 / 西周 獸型青銅面具

8 An archaic bronze mask, late Shang / early Western Zhou dynasty | 商末 / 西周 獸型青銅面具

An archaic bronze ritual tripod food vessel (Liding), late Shang dynasty | 商末 青銅饕餮紋鬲

9 An archaic bronze ritual tripod food vessel (Liding), late Shang dynasty | 商末 青銅饕餮紋鬲

An illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Anwar-I Suhayli of Husayn Va'iz Kashifi (D.1504): the monkeys attack the bear, Persia, Shiraz, second quarter 16th Century

10 An illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Anwar-I Suhayli of Husayn Va'iz Kashifi (D.1504): the monkeys attack the bear, Persia, Shiraz, second quarter 16th Century

Deer, birds and flowering trees, India, Mughal, probably Fatehpur Sikri, circa 1570

11 Deer, birds and flowering trees, India, Mughal, probably Fatehpur Sikri, circa 1570

A large red sandstone crenel, India, Mughal, late 16th century

12 A large red sandstone crenel, India, Mughal, late 16th century

A ruler enthroned holding a mirror or sun-disc, probably Iskandar and the magic mirror, India, Deccan, Ahmednagar, late 16th century

13 A ruler enthroned holding a mirror or sun-disc, probably Iskandar and the magic mirror, India, Deccan, Ahmednagar, late 16th century

A steel push-dagger (katar), India, Mughal or Deccan, 17th century

14 A steel push-dagger (katar), India, Mughal or Deccan, 17th century

Sultan Ibrahim Adil Shah II of Bijapur riding his elephant Atash Khan, attributed to Farrukh Beg (Farrukh Husayn), India, deccan, Bijapur, circa 1600; verso with a falconer riding a composite horse, India, Mughal, early 17th century

15 Sultan Ibrahim Adil Shah II of Bijapur riding his elephant Atash Khan, attributed to Farrukh Beg (Farrukh Husayn), India, deccan, Bijapur, circa 1600; verso with a falconer riding a composite horse, India, Mughal, early 17th century

A magnificent and important zoomorphic gilt-copper dagger set with rubies and emeralds, India, Deccan, Bijapur or Golconda, late 16th century

16 A magnificent and important zoomorphic gilt-copper dagger set with rubies and emeralds, India, Deccan, Bijapur or Golconda, late 16th century

Six Mughal silver-gilt bridle ornaments, North India, Delhi or Agra, 17th century

17 Six Mughal silver-gilt bridle ornaments, North India, Delhi or Agra, 17th century

A fine Mughal silk sash (patka), India, Mughal, late 17th century

18 A fine Mughal silk sash (patka), India, Mughal, late 17th century

A carved jade horse head dagger, India, Mughal, probably Agra or Delhi, second quarter 17th century

19 A carved jade horse head dagger, India, Mughal, probably Agra or Delhi, second quarter 17th century

Prince Dara Shikoh with a group of holy men, attributed to Govardhan, India, Mughal, circa 1635-40

20 Prince Dara Shikoh with a group of holy men, attributed to Govardhan, India, Mughal, circa 1635-40

A Mughal rock crystal mango-shaped flask inlaid with rubies and emeralds set in gold, India, Mughal, mid-17th century

21 A Mughal rock crystal mango-shaped flask inlaid with rubies and emeralds set in gold, India, Mughal, mid-17th century

A portrait of the infant Shah Shuja, signed by Abu’l-Hasan Nadir al-Zaman, India, Mughal, circa 1617-18

22 A portrait of the infant Shah Shuja, signed by Abu’l-Hasan Nadir al-Zaman, India, Mughal, circa 1617-18

A Mughal cuerda seca pottery tile, North India or Lahore, 17th century

23 A Mughal cuerda seca pottery tile, North India or Lahore, 17th century

A bidri brass and silver-inlaid pandan, India, Deccan, 17th century

24 A bidri brass and silver-inlaid pandan, India, Deccan, 17th century

A study of a red double–flowered poppy, India, Mughal, Deccan or possibly Kishangarh, 17th century

25 A study of a red double–flowered poppy, India, Mughal, Deccan or possibly Kishangarh, 17th century

An engraved silver handled cup, Northern Song dynasty | 北宋 銀單把盃

26 An engraved silver handled cup, Northern Song dynasty | 北宋 銀單把盃

A silver stem cup, early Tang dynasty | 唐 銀高足盃

27 A silver stem cup, early Tang dynasty | 唐 銀高足盃

A rare parcel-gilt silver octofoil dish, Tang dynasty | 唐 局部鎏金銀鏨刻狩獵紋盃

28 A rare parcel-gilt silver octofoil dish, Tang dynasty | 唐 局部鎏金銀鏨刻狩獵紋盃

A large bronze mirror, Tang dynasty | 唐 銅雙鳳狻猊紋鏡

29 A large bronze mirror, Tang dynasty | 唐 銅雙鳳狻猊紋鏡

A bronze mirror, Tang dynasty | 唐 銅海獸葡萄紋鏡

30 A bronze mirror, Tang dynasty | 唐 銅海獸葡萄紋鏡

A repoussé and engraved 'phoenix' box and cover, Tang dynasty | 唐 銀捶揲鳳穿花紋蓋盒

31 A repoussé and engraved 'phoenix' box and cover, Tang dynasty | 唐 銀捶揲鳳穿花紋蓋盒

A small marbled pottery pillow, Tang dynasty | 唐 黃釉絞胎枕

32 A small marbled pottery pillow, Tang dynasty | 唐 黃釉絞胎枕

A bronze kundika, early Tang dynasty | 唐初 響銅象首瓶

33 A bronze kundika, early Tang dynasty | 唐初 響銅象首瓶

A small parcel-gilt silver 'bird and flower' box and cover, Tang dynasty | 唐 局部鎏金銀刻雁穿花紋小圓蓋盒

34 A small parcel-gilt silver 'bird and flower' box and cover, Tang dynasty | 唐 局部鎏金銀刻雁穿花紋小圓蓋盒

A marbled pottery dish, Tang dynasty | 唐 絞胎盤

35 A marbled pottery dish, Tang dynasty | 唐 絞胎盤

A carved marble 'lotus' bowl, Yuan dynasty | 元 大理石蓮瓣盌

36 A carved marble 'lotus' bowl, Yuan dynasty | 元 大理石蓮瓣盌

A jade ceremonial blade (Zhang), Neolithic style, possibly earlier | 新石器時代式 玉牙璋

37 A jade ceremonial blade (Zhang), Neolithic style, possibly earlier | 新石器時代式 玉牙璋

Two 'qiangjin' and 'tianqi' lacquer recessed-leg tables (Pingtouan), Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 戧金填漆夾頭榫花鳥紋平頭案一組兩件

38 Two 'qiangjin' and 'tianqi' lacquer recessed-leg tables (Pingtouan), Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 戧金填漆夾頭榫花鳥紋平頭案一組兩件

A pair of Mughal pietra dura marble panels, North India, Agra region, circa 1630-40

39 A pair of Mughal pietra dura marble panels, North India, Agra region, circa 1630-40

Two Mullahs at prayer, India, Deccan, Hyderabad, circa 1785

40 Two Mullahs at prayer, India, Deccan, Hyderabad, circa 1785

A fancy pigeon, North India, probably Rajasthan, late 18th/early 19th century

41 A fancy pigeon, North India, probably Rajasthan, late 18th/early 19th century

Rao Jagat Singh of Kota in his garden, attributed to the Hada master, India, Rajasthan, Kota, circa 1660

42 Rao Jagat Singh of Kota in his garden, attributed to the Hada master, India, Rajasthan, Kota, circa 1660

Todi Ragini: illustration to a Ragamala series, style associated with 'the Kota Master C', India, Rajasthan, Kota, circa 1720

43 Todi Ragini: illustration to a Ragamala series, style associated with 'the Kota Master C', India, Rajasthan, Kota, circa 1720

A buff-coloured sandstone fragmentary figure of Ganesha, India, 10th-11th century

44 A buff-coloured sandstone fragmentary figure of Ganesha, India, 10th-11th century

Studies of an unruly young elephant, India, Rajasthan, Kota, circa 1720-30

45 Studies of an unruly young elephant, India, Rajasthan, Kota, circa 1720-30

A gilded glass bowl, India, Mughal, 18th century

46 A gilded glass bowl, India, Mughal, 18th century

Exotic Farangi ladies, attributed in part to Chokha, India, Rajasthan, Udaipur or Deogarh, early 19th century

47 Exotic Farangi ladies, attributed in part to Chokha, India, Rajasthan, Udaipur or Deogarh, early 19th century

A Japanese gilt-bronze four-prong vajra, Kamakura-Nambokucho period, 13th-14th century

48 A Japanese gilt-bronze four-prong vajra, Kamakura-Nambokucho period, 13th-14th century