Prints & Multiples

Prints & Multiples

Prints & Multiples

Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, from Reigning Queens (Royal Edition)

1 Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, from Reigning Queens (Royal Edition)

Chanel, from Ads

2 Chanel, from Ads

Annie Oakley, from Cowboys and Indians

3 Annie Oakley, from Cowboys and Indians

$ (Quadrant)

5 $ (Quadrant)

Superman, from Myths

6 Superman, from Myths

$ (1)

7 $ (1)

Van Heusen (Ronald Reagan), from Ads

8 Van Heusen (Ronald Reagan), from Ads


9 Kiku

Sandro Botticelli (Birth of Venus, 1482), from Details of Renaissance Paintings

11 Sandro Botticelli (Birth of Venus, 1482), from Details of Renaissance Paintings

Karen Kain

12 Karen Kain


13 Kiku

Ladies and Gentlemen

14 Ladies and Gentlemen


15 Mao

Van Heusen (Ronald Reagan), from Ads

16 Van Heusen (Ronald Reagan), from Ads

Jacqueline Kennedy I (Jackie I), from 11 Pop Artists I

17 Jacqueline Kennedy I (Jackie I), from 11 Pop Artists I

Birmingham Race Riot, from X + X (Ten Works by Ten Painters)

18 Birmingham Race Riot, from X + X (Ten Works by Ten Painters)

Jacqueline Kennedy III (Jackie III), from 11 Pop Artists III

19 Jacqueline Kennedy III (Jackie III), from 11 Pop Artists III

Saint Apollonia

20 Saint Apollonia

Saint Apollonia

21 Saint Apollonia

Saint Apollonia

22 Saint Apollonia

Saint Apollonia

23 Saint Apollonia

Cow: Four Prints

24 Cow: Four Prints

Electric Chair

25 Electric Chair


26 Cow

Cooking Pot

27 Cooking Pot


28 Fish

$1.57 Giant Size

29 $1.57 Giant Size

S&H Green Stamps

30 S&H Green Stamps

$1.57 Giant Size

31 $1.57 Giant Size

Study of Hands

33 Study of Hands

Untitled (Apocalypse 4)

34 Untitled (Apocalypse 4)

Pop Shop Quad II

35 Pop Shop Quad II

Untitled (Apocalypse 5)

36 Untitled (Apocalypse 5)

Montreux Jazz Festival: Three Prints

37 Montreux Jazz Festival: Three Prints

Untitled (Apocalypse 1)

38 Untitled (Apocalypse 1)

Cabeza, from Portfolio II

39 After

Cabeza, from Portfolio II

Charles the First, from Portfolio II

40 After

Charles the First, from Portfolio II

Rome Pays Off, from Portfolio II

41 After

Rome Pays Off, from Portfolio II

Jawbone of an Ass, from Portfolio II

42 After

Jawbone of an Ass, from Portfolio II

Second Version of Painting 1946

43 Second Version of Painting 1946

Self-Portrait: Reflection

44 Self-Portrait: Reflection

Head on a Pillow

45 Head on a Pillow

The New Yorker

46 The New Yorker

Before the Fourth

47 Before the Fourth

These Feelings Were True II

48 These Feelings Were True II

He Tore Himself in Two, from Six Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm

49 He Tore Himself in Two, from Six Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm

Fundevogel, from Six Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm

50 Fundevogel, from Six Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm


51 Untitled