

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 33. Cape Horn, Columbia River.

Property from an Important Corporate Collection

Carleton E. Watkins

Cape Horn, Columbia River

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Lot Details


Carlton E. Watkins

1829 - 1916

Cape Horn, Columbia River

mammoth-plate albumen print, mounted, framed, a Robert Miller Gallery, New York, label on the reverse, 1867

image: 20¾ by 15½ in. (52.7 by 39.4 cm.)

frame: 32⅛ by 27⅝ in. (79.1 by 70.2 cm.)

Daniel Wolf, Inc., New York, 1985

Naef 454

Robert Doty, ed., Photography in America (New York: The Whitney Museum of American Art, 1974), p. 50

Jim Alinder, ed., Carleton E. Watkins: Photographs of the Columbia River and Oregon (The Friends of Photography, 1979), pl. 48 (this print)

Peter E. Palmquist, Carleton Watkins: Photographer of the American West (Albuquerque, 1983), pl. 32

Daniel Wolf, ed., The American Space: Meaning in Nineteenth-Century Landscape Photography (Middletown, 1983), pl. 19

Robert A. Sobieszek, Masterpieces of Photography from George Eastman House Collections (New York, 1985), p. 175

Carleton E. Watkins: Photographs 1861-1874 (San Francisco, 1989), pl. 93

Sarah Greenough, Joel Snyder, David Travis, and Colin Westerbeck, On the Art of Fixing a Shadow: One Hundred and Fifty Years of Photography (Washington, D.C., and Chicago: National Gallery of Art and The Art Institute of Chicago, 1989), p. 120

Peter C. Jones, The Changing Face of America (New York, 1991), p. 67

Seeing Things (San Francisco: Fraenkel Gallery, 1995), pl. 12

Eugenia Parry Janis, At the Still Point: Photographs from the Manfred Heiting Collection, Vol. I, 1840-1900 (Amsterdam, 1995), pl. 249

Joseph and Elaine Monsen, Seventy-five at 75: Selections from the Joseph and Elaine Monsen Photography Collection at the Henry Art Gallery (Seattle: Henry Art Gallery, 2006) p. 12 and back cover

David Robinson and Sarah Greenough, 73 Photographs from David and Mary Robinson at the National Gallery of Art (San Francisco: Fraenkel Gallery, 2007), pl. 38

Terry Toedtemeier and John Laursen, Wild Beauty: Photographs of the Columbia River Gorge, 1867-1957 (Portland, 2008), p. 27