Photographer Unknown: Pier 24 Photography from the Pilara Family Foundation

Photographer Unknown: Pier 24 Photography from the Pilara Family Foundation

全螢幕檢視 - 查看17Select Mugshots and Fingerprints of Men, Fulton County Prison Farm, Atlanta, Georgia的1

Photographer Unknown

Select Mugshots and Fingerprints of Men, Fulton County Prison Farm, Atlanta, Georgia



October 3, 02:17 PM GMT


5,000 - 7,000 USD


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Photographer Unknown

Select Mugshots and Fingerprints of Men, Fulton County Prison Farm, Atlanta, Georgia

a group of 18 hand-trimmed mugshots on fingerprinted file cards, 1940s

each card: 5 by 8 in. (12.7 by 20.3 cm.)

Kicken Berlin, 2005