Old Master & 19th Century Paintings
30 March - 5 April 2023 • London
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1 Saint Christopher; Saint Anthony the Abbot
2 Portrait of Heinrich Pilgrim's Wife
3 Portrait of a man, half-length, in black costume with a white ruffled collar
4 Portrait of a fifteen-year-old boy, half-length, from the Van der Wiele family
5 Portrait of a man, half-length, in the guise of Bacchus holding a drinking vessel
6 Diana in a landscape
8 The aftermath of a battle in a town ravaged by fire
9 A horseman on a path in a storm
10 A village scene with figures begging in the foreground and others gathered around an inn
11 Cattle grazing in a landscape, a river beyond
12 An Italianate landscape with village women; and an Italianate landscape with villagers
13 Dutch herring fleet featuring boats casting nets and a rowing boat in the foreground
14 Exterior of a tavern with a lady sewing
15 Landscape with drovers
16 Landscape with travelers on a road near a waterfall
17 An Italianate landscape with shepherds on a path in the foreground
18 A portrait of a gentleman with his servant and a dog in a landscape
19 Figures playing cards inside an inn
20 Man Sharpening a Pen
21 A sleeping lady approached by a man, by candlelight
22 Sleeping Venus
23 Still life of a clementine and peeled lemon in a porcelain bowl, a silver salver with cherries, a roemer containing a half-peeled lemon, a bread roll and a sprig of roses, with a moth and a butterfly, all upon a ledge
24 Still life of flowers with ants in a glass vase
25 Still life of flowers in a terracotta vase
26 A pair of trompe l'œil still lifes with portraits of Jacob van Hoorn and Jacoba van Selstede
27 Still life of flowers and fruit
28 Still life of flowers and fruit arranged on a marble ledge
29 A forest floor still life of lilies, martagon lilies, poppies and other flowers
30 Still life of peaches and grapes in a porcelain bowl with a sparrow, alongside carnations in a glass vase, bread and a pewter dish with a sliced lemon, olives and capers, a mouse eating sweet meats and dead songbirds, all upon a ledge
31 Still life of peaches and grapes in a basket
32 A pair of still lifes of flowers in glass vases
33 Still life of fish and a lobster on a platter, on a stone ledge
34 The Head of Christ
35 A female saint
36 A pair of portraits: Petrarch (1304–1374); and Laura de Noves (1310–1348)
37 The Vision of Ezekiel
38 Portrait of a man, three-quarter-length, wearing a black costume with a white collar
39 The Last Supper
40 Portrait of a courtesan
41 Portrait of a money lender
42 Portrait of a man
43 The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist
44 Portrait of a lady
45 Portrait of Doralice Gusmerina
46 Tobias and the Angel
47 A study of a female head
48 The Virgin and Child
49 A river god