Old Master & 19th Century Paintings Day Auction, Part I
Old Master & 19th Century Paintings Day Auction, Part I
Property from the Collection of Dr Hermann Röchling
The Nativity
Auction Closed
July 6, 10:53 AM GMT
70,000 - 90,000 GBP
Lot Details
Property from the Collection of Dr Hermann Röchling
Giovanni Battista Pittoni
Venice 1687–1767
The Nativity
oil on canvas
unframed: 54 x 69.1 cm.; 21¼ x 27¼ in.
framed: 82 x 89.7 cm.; 32¼ x 35⅜ in.
With Haberstock, Berlin;
Dr Hans Wendland (1880–1972), Lugano;
His sale, Berlin, Herman Ball & Paul Graupe, 24 April 1931, lot 15;
August Lederer (1857–1936), Vienna and Geneva;
By descent to his wife Serena Lederer, Vienna (1867–1943);
From whom confiscated by 20 November 1940;
Restituted to her son Erich Lederer by 28 June 1950;
By whose executors sold, London, Sotheby's, 3 July 1997, lot 85;
Where acquired by the present owner.
N. Tarchiani, Mostra della Pittura Italiana del Seicento e del Settecento, exh. cat., Florence 1922, p. 146, no. 777;
G. Fiocco, 'La Pittura veneziana alla Mostra del Settecento', in Rivista della città di Venezia, 8–9, August–September 1929, p. 569;
U. Ojetti, G. Fogolari and V. Moschini, Il Settecento Italiano, Milan and Rome 1932, vol. I, no. 104, reproduced pl. LXXI;
L. Coggiola Pittoni, 'Pseudo influenza francese nell'arte di Giambattista Pittoni', in Rivista della città di Venezia, 8, August 1933, p. 410, no. 5;
H. Voss in Thieme-Becker, Allgemeines Lexikon der Bildenden Kunstler, H. Vollmer et al. (eds), Leipzig 1933, vol. XXVII, p. 120;
L. Coggiola Pittoni, 'Disegni inediti di G.B. Pittoni', in Rivista di Venezia, A. XII–XIII, July 1934, pp. 276 and 281, reproduced fig. 16 bis;
M. Goering, 'Zur kritik und datierung der Werke des Giovanni Battista Pittoni', in Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz, January 1934, pp. 202 and 205, reproduced fig. 2;
W. Arslan, 'Studi sulla pittura del primo Settecento veneziano', in La Critica d'Arte, XIV, April 1936, p. 240;
R. Pallucchini, I disegni di Giambattista Pittoni, Padua 1945, pp. 18 and 28 n. 18;
I. Fenyö, 'Zur Kunst Giovanni Battista Pittoni', in Acta Historiae Artium Academiae Scientarium Hungaricae, 1954, vol. I, pp. 279 and 286–87, reproduced fig. 10;
R. Pallucchini, 'Veneti al Museo Rath di Ginevra', in Arte Veneta, IX, 1955, p. 283;
G. Germann et al., Art Vénitien en Suisse et au Liechtenstein, exh. cat., Pfäffikon SZ and Geneva 1978, pp. 148–49, no. 109, reproduced;
F. Zava Boccazzi, Pittoni, Venice 1979, pp. 24, 90 n. 5, 124, 125, 129, 130, 145, 176, 180, 183, 197, 198 and 200, no. 65, reproduced fig. 52;
R. Pallucchini et al., La pittura nel Veneto. Il Settecento, vol. I, Milan 1995, pp. 526–28, reproduced fig. 837;
S. Lillie, Was einmal war: Handbuch der enteigneten Kunstsammlungen Wiens, Vienna 2003, p. 668, no. 82.
Venice, Biennale, La mostra del Settecento Italiano, 1919;
Florence, Palazzo Pitti, Mostra della Pittura Italiana del Seicento e del Settecento, April – October 1922, no. 777;
Florence, Palazzo Pitti, La mostra del Settecento Italiano, 1927, no. 846;
Venice, Biennale, Padiglione Italiano, La mostra del Settecento Italiano, 1928, no. 454;
Venice, Palazzo Grassi, Il Settecento Italiano, 1929, no. 1;
Geneva, Musée Rath, Trésors des collections romandes, 26 June – 3 October 1954, no. 9;
Zurich, Kunsthaus, Schönheit des 18. Jahrhunderts, 10 September – 31 October 1955, no. 261;
Geneva, Musée d'art et d'histoire, Art Vénitien en Suisse et au Lichtenstein, 13 September – 5 November 1978, no. 109, and on subsequent loan.