Old Master & 19th Century Paintings Evening Auction

Old Master & 19th Century Paintings Evening Auction

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 2. The Siege of Carthage, a cassone panel.

Property restituted to the Heirs of Ernst and Agathe Saulmann

Florentine School, circa 1460

The Siege of Carthage, a cassone panel

Auction Closed

July 5, 07:17 PM GMT


80,000 - 120,000 GBP

Lot Details


Property restituted to the Heirs of Ernst and Agathe Saulmann

Florentine School, circa 1460

The Siege of Carthage, a cassone panel

inscribed upper centre: CARTA

tempera and gold on panel

43.5 x 133.4 cm.; 17⅛ x 52½ in.

Possibly private collection, Florence (according to Braun, see Literature);

Whence acquired by Heinrich Freiherr von Tucher (1853–1925), Vienna, by 1910;

His posthumous sale, Berlin, Cassirer and Helbing, 8 December 1925, lot 63 (as Master of the Santa Croce Tournament, dated circa 1440), for 8,500 Reichsmark;

Where acquired by Agathe (1898–1951) and Ernst Saulmann (1881–1946), Erlenhof, Baden-Württemberg, Florence and possibly Nice, until at least 1939 (according to a photograph in the Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence, no. 121341);

With Paul Tulino, Paris, by 1941;

From whom acquired by Walter Bornheim (1888–1971), Paris and Munich, for 375,000 French francs in 1941;

From whom acquired by Friedrich Flick (1883–1972) in 1941;

By whom gifted to Hermann Göring (1893–1946), Carinhall (inv. no. RM1156), on 24 December 1941;

Deposited by the owner in Berchtesgaden (inv. no. 483);

Transferred to the Central Collecting Point, Munich (inv. no. 5528), on 29 July 1945;

Repatriated to the French state on 19 October 1946;

Transferred to the Musée du Louvre, Paris (inv. no. MNR 246), by the Office des Biens et Intérêts Privés in 1950; then to the Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Angers, Angers (inv. no. MNR 246), in 1952; then back to the Musée du Louvre, Paris, in 1961; and finally once again to the Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Angers, Angers, in 1969 until 2023;

Restituted to the heirs of Ernst and Agathe Saulmann on 18 April 2023.

E.W. Braun, 'Die Sammlung Tucher', in Münchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst, 1910, II, pp. 183–84 and 187, reproduced fig. 8 (as school of Paolo Uccello/ Florentine, 15th century);

P. Schubring, Cassoni, Truhen und Truhenbilder der italienischen Frührenaissance: ein Beitrag zur Profanmalerei im Quattrocento, Leipzig 1915, p. 249, no. 124 (as the Anghiari Master);

R. Offner, Italian Primitives at Yale University Comments & Revision, New Haven 1927, p. 30, no. 63 (as workshop of the Virgil Master);

T. de Marinis and F. Rossi, 'Notice sur les miniatures du "Virgilius" de la Bibliothèque Riccardi a Florence (Ms. 492)', in Bulletin de la Société Française de Reproductions de Manuscrits à Peintures, 1929, 13, p. 30 (as workshop of the Virgil Master);

M. Salmi, Paolo Ucello, Andrea del Castagno, Domenico Veneziano, Rome 1936, p. 114 (as workshop of the Virgil Master);

J. Alazard, Dernières acquisitions du Musée National des Beaux-Arts d'Alger, Algiers 1953, p. 12, no. 24, reproduced fig. 1 (as Italian School, 15th century);

R. Van Marle, The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting, New York 1970, vol. X, pp. 551, 553 and 554 n. 1 (as the Tournament Master);

C. Van Marle (ed.), The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting by Raimond Van Marle, New York 1970, vol. XIX, p. 88 (as the Tournament Master);

E. Callmann, Apollonio di Giovanni, Ann Arbor 1971, p. 259 (under rejected works as whereabouts unknown);

E. Callmann, Apollonio di Giovanni, Oxford 1974, pp. 87 and 97 (under rejected works as whereabouts unknown);

A. Brejon de Lavergnée and D. Thiébaut, Catalogue sommaire illustré des peintures du Musée du Louvre, II: Italie, Espagne, Allemagne, Grande-Bretagne et divers, Paris 1981, vol. II, p. 303, no. M.N.R. 246 (as Florentine, 15th century);

F. Lagénie, La peinture de coffre de mariage, cassone dans les musées français, MA thesis, Université de Paris I, Paris 1990, p. 57, no. 33; 

A. Gros-Lafaige, Catalogue des peintures sur bois du XIVe, XVe et XVIe siècle des musées d'Angers, MA thesis, Université de Paris I, Paris 1992, vol. I, pp. 46–49, no. 4, and vol. II, pp. 193–94, reproduced (as Florentine, circa 1460–70, with erroneous provenance);

A. Gros-Lafaige, Le matin des peintres: tableaux sur bois du XIVe au XVIe siècle des musées d'Angers, exh. cat., Angers 1993, pp. 18–19, no. 4, reproduced in colour (as Florentine, circa 1460–1470, with erroneous provenance);

C. Lesné and A. Roquebert, Catalogue des peintures MNR, Paris 2004, p. 614, no. MNR 246, reproduced (as Florentine, circa 1460–70);

C. Campbell in Love and Marriage in Renaissance Florence. The Courtauld Wedding Chests, C. Campbell (ed.), exh. cat., London 2009, pp. 92 and 93 nn. 9–10 (as Florentine, mid-15th century);

N.H. Yeide, Beyond the Dreams of Avarice: The Hermann Goering Collection, Dallas 2009, p. 203, no. A1478, reproduced (as Master of the Tournament of Santa Croce);

K. Simonneau in Les Cassoni Peints Du Musée National De La Renaissance, K. Simonneau et al (eds), Paris 2010, pp. 68–69, reproduced in colour fig. 33 (as anonymous, 15th century);

K.D. Alford, Hermann Göring and the Nazi Art Collection: The Looting of Europe's Art Treasures and Their Dispersal After World War II, Jefferson 2012, p. 119, no. 5528 (as Cussone [sic] Painter);

J.-M. Dreyfus, Le Catalogue Goering, Paris 2015, pp. 506–7, no. RM1156/F680, reproduced (as Master of the Santa Croce Tournament).

Angers, Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Angers, Le matin des peintres: tableaux sur bois du XIVe au XVIe siècle des musées d'Angers, 10 November 1993 – 13 February 1994, no. 4 (as Florentine, circa 1460–70).