Magnificent Jewels I

Magnificent Jewels I

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 1831. Pair of 'Imperial Green' Jadeite and Diamond Earrings | 天然「帝王綠」翡翠 配 鑽石 耳環一對.

Property Of A Private Collector

Pair of 'Imperial Green' Jadeite and Diamond Earrings | 天然「帝王綠」翡翠 配 鑽石 耳環一對

Auction Closed

April 4, 09:28 AM GMT


2,800,000 - 3,800,000 HKD

Lot Details


Property Of A Private Collector

Pair of 'Imperial Green' Jadeite and Diamond Earrings

天然「帝王綠」翡翠 配 鑽石 耳環一對

Each set with an oval jadeite cabochon weighing 9.38 and 9.18 carats respectively, of intense emerald green colour and very good translucency, to the pear-shaped and brilliant-cut diamond surround, mounted in 18 karat white gold, post and butterfly fittings. 

Jadeite cabochons approximately 15.07 x 12.97 x 6.09mm and 15.19 x 12.93 x 5.75mm.

Accompanied by Gübelin report no. 2311010/1 and 2, dated 12 January 2023, stating that the jadeite are natural, and may also be called “Type A” in the trade. The 9.38 carat jadeite '...may also be called "Imperial Jade" in the trade. This term refers to the finest specimen of “Type A” jadeite jade.’

Imperial Jade


Jade has long been treasured in China, bearing a cultural significance that dates back 8,000 years as the ‘Stone from Heaven’. The ancient Chinese attributed the beauty of jade to its five virtues: benevolence, wisdom, courage, justice and purity. There was also a firm belief that this treasured gem could ward off evil spirits, as seen from examples in the Han Dynasty (206 BC–220 AD). One of the earliest well-known lovers of jadeite from the imperial family is Emperor Qianlong (1711 – 1799). As an avid art collector, Emperor Qianlong had a special appreciation for jade. During his reign, the Qing court had extended their jurisdiction into Northern Myanmar and gained access to Hetian. This allowed the Imperial family to enjoy new sources of jadeite and Hetian jade from the Kunlun mountains.

中國玉文化最早可追溯到八千年前,國人自古以來重視玉,譽之為「天上之石」,且玉象徵仁、智、勇、義、潔五德,故謂「君子無故,玉不離身」。另外亦有謂玉石可辟邪護身,漢代(公元前 206 年至公元 220 年)玉器文化頗盛,即為一例。乾隆皇帝(1711 年至 1799 年)是最早大量收藏玉器和翡翠的清朝皇族人物。乾隆熱愛鑑賞和收藏各類工藝品,對原產於緬甸的翡翠情有獨鍾。乾隆在位期間,清廷將管轄範圍擴大至緬北,並直通新疆和田,取得崑崙山脈出產的和田玉。

The best of jadeite with a deep emerald green is honoured as an imperial green hue, associating the fine colour to be as noble and majestic as the emperor. Combined with a fine texture and translucency, the rough material of the jadeite must be of exceptional quality in order for the finished piece to be qualified as an ‘Imperial Green’ calibre. When it comes to jadeite bead necklaces, it is exceptionally challenging to create a full set with a big bead size as they often all have to originate from the same rough. This would imply that the original crystal of the gemstone must be substantial in size as well as quality, which is exceedingly rare. Jadeite carvings often carry various symbols of prosperity and longevity, as embodiments of blessings to the owner and the admirer.
