Important Chinese Art

Important Chinese Art

Voir en plein écran - Voir 1 du lot 525. The Guennol archaic jade ceremonial axe (Yue), Neolithic period - Zhou dynasty | 新石器時代至周 玉鉞.

Property from the Collection of Robin Bradley Martin

The Guennol archaic jade ceremonial axe (Yue), Neolithic period - Zhou dynasty | 新石器時代至周 玉鉞

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March 22, 08:01 PM GMT


400,000 - 600,000 USD

Description du lot

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Property from the Collection of Robin Bradley Martin

The Guennol archaic jade ceremonial axe (Yue)

Neolithic period - Zhou dynasty

新石器時代至周 玉鉞

Length 7¼ in., 18.5 cm

Syndey L. Moss, London, until February 1957.

Bluett & Sons Ltd., London, 26th April 1957.

Collection of Lord Cunliffe, The Rt. Hon. Rolf, 2nd Baron

Cunliffe of Headley (1899-1963).

Bluett & Sons Ltd., London.

Collection of Count Dominic de Grunne.

Barry Sainsbury Oriental Art, London, 1977.

The Guennol Collection (collection of Alastair Bradley Martin and Edith Martin), until 1983, and thence by descent.

Syndey L. Moss,倫敦,至1957年2月

Bluett & Sons Ltd.,倫敦,1957年4月26日

Rolf Cunliffe 勛爵、第二代哈德雷男爵(1899-1963)收藏

Bluett & Sons Ltd.,倫敦

Dominic de Grunne 伯爵收藏

Barry Sainsbury Oriental Art,倫敦,1977年

葛諾收藏 (阿拉斯泰爾•布拉德利•馬丁及伊迪斯•馬丁伉儷收藏),至1983年,此後家族傳承

Amy G. Poster, 'Ceremonial Knife', The Guennol Collection, vol. II, New York, 1982, p. 83.

Minao Hayashi, Studies of Ancient Chinese Jades, Tokyo, 1991, p. 510, fig. 6-130. 

Minao Hayashi, Yang Meili trans., Zhongguo guyu yanjiu [Studies of ancient Chinese jades], Taipei, 1997, p. 346, fig. 6-130.

Amy G. Poster,〈Ceremonial Knife〉,《The Guennol Collection》,卷II,紐約,1982年,頁83



Early Chinese Art, Bluett & Sons Ltd., London, 1973, cat. no. 57.

Brooklyn Museum, New York, 1977-2023 (on loan).

《Early Chinese Art》,Bluett & Sons Ltd.,倫敦,1973年,編號57
