Important Chinese Art

Important Chinese Art

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 3659. A rare blue and white polychrome-enamelled 'lotus' vase, Mark and period of Wanli |  明萬曆 青花加彩螭龍耳纏枝番蓮紋尊 《大明萬曆年製》款.

Property from the Xianquxuan Collection | 閑趣軒珍藏

A rare blue and white polychrome-enamelled 'lotus' vase, Mark and period of Wanli | 明萬曆 青花加彩螭龍耳纏枝番蓮紋尊 《大明萬曆年製》款

Auction Closed

October 9, 09:17 AM GMT


500,000 - 800,000 HKD

Lot Details


Property from the Xianquxuan Collection

A rare blue and white polychrome-enamelled 'lotus' vase,

Mark and period of Wanli


明萬曆 青花加彩螭龍耳纏枝番蓮紋尊 《大明萬曆年製》款

rising from a flaring foot through receding bellies and bulging chests to a sloping shoulders underneath a flaring mouth, the slightly bound neck flanked with two lively molded chilong handles, each contorted into a 'W' shape, the whole body painted with underglaze blue and white lotus scroll between a leaf scroll unearth the mouthrim, three bands of banana leaves, vertical stripes and ruyi clouds on the shoulder and a band of lotus petals on the lower belly, further decorated with polychrome enamels over the glaze, a square panel under the mouthrim inscribed with blue and white six-character Wanli mark and enameled in green over the glaze, double Japanese wood box

53.2 cm

Shigeyuki Yanagi, Kyoto.

Present owner acquired from the above in late 1990s.



The Grandeur of Chinese Art Treasures: Min Chiu Society Golden Jubilee Exhibition, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 2010, cat. no. 156.

《博古存珍: 敏求精舍金禧紀念展》,香港藝術館,香港,2010年,編號156

The form and decoration of this vase, including its chilong handles, lotus scrolls, and upturned lotus, follow the tradition of porcelain from the Zhengde and Jiajing periods. Compare with a Fahua-glazed vase with related motifs, Jiajing, in the Idemitsu Museum of Arts, Japan, which is illustrated in Chinese Ceramicsin the Idemitsu Collection, Tokyo, 1987, no. 692. Compare also with an famille-rose biscuit ‘lotus’ vase with similar chilong handles and form, Zhengde, in the Liaoning Provincial Museum, which is on permanent display in the Ming and Qing Porcelain Gallery, but has not been published. Vases with underglaze blue and overglaze enamels like the present lot are quite rare. See two blue and white examples, refer to a highly related Wanli blue and white vase with lotus scroll pattern and chilong handles in the Tianjin Museum, which has similar form and decoration, but without enamels, illustrated in Blue-and-White Porcelain of the Ming and Qing Dynasties Collected by Tianjin Museum, Beijing, 2013, p. 42.; and a blue and white Wanli vase with a peony scroll and chilong handles in the Palace Museum, Taipei, which has similar form but different decoration, illustrated in Chen Yuxiu ed., The enchanting Splendor of Vases and Planters: A Special Exhibition of Flower Vessels from the Ming and Qing dynasties, Taipei, 2014, pl. II-26. See a third blue and white example, highly close to the former, sold in Christie’s London, 7 November 2006, lot 179.

The inside of the wooden box cover was inscribed with the authentication note of Koyama Fujio (1900 - 1975): 'Kozanshi-kan'. 'Kozanshi' is an alternate name for Fujio, who was a major ceramic connoisseur of the 20th century in Japan and also a master of ceramics himself. He had visited many ancient kiln sites before the second World War and was one of the earliest scholars to discover the sites of Dingyao.

侈口外撇,頸微束,溜肩,肩頸兩側黏燒螭龍各一條,龍躬身呈W形,胸鼓脹而腹下收,底部外撇,圈足圓棱,修削工整, 整器釉下青花由上至下繪卷草紋於口沿下,頸部及胸腹滿繪纏枝番蓮紋,螭龍滿塗青料,肩部分別繪蕉葉紋、豎條紋、如意雲頭紋三層,腹部以仰蓮紋隔斷,釉上再加繪紅黃綠三彩,口沿下青花正方形開光內書「大明萬曆年製」青花楷書款,其上再加綠彩。

