Important Chinese Art

Important Chinese Art

Important Chinese Art

A rare incised white-glazed biscuit 'dragon' dish, Mark and period of Hongzhi | 明弘治 白釉素胎雲龍趕珠紋盤 《大明弘治年製》款

501 A rare incised white-glazed biscuit 'dragon' dish, Mark and period of Hongzhi | 明弘治 白釉素胎雲龍趕珠紋盤 《大明弘治年製》款

A large yellow-glazed bowl, Mark and period of Hongzhi | 明弘治 黃釉大盌 《大明弘治年製》款

502 A large yellow-glazed bowl, Mark and period of Hongzhi | 明弘治 黃釉大盌 《大明弘治年製》款

A rare blue and white 'auspicious characters' jar, Mark and period of Jiajing | 明嘉靖 青花福壽康寧紋罐 《大明嘉靖年製》款

503 A rare blue and white 'auspicious characters' jar, Mark and period of Jiajing | 明嘉靖 青花福壽康寧紋罐 《大明嘉靖年製》款

A copper-red and underglaze-blue 'deer and lingzhi' meiping, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花釉裡紅壽録長春紋梅瓶

504 A copper-red and underglaze-blue 'deer and lingzhi' meiping, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 青花釉裡紅壽録長春紋梅瓶

A blue and white 'Eight Auspicious Emblems' foliate-rim dish, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 青花八吉祥紋花式盤 《大清雍正年製》款

505 A blue and white 'Eight Auspicious Emblems' foliate-rim dish, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 青花八吉祥紋花式盤 《大清雍正年製》款

A fine and rare blue and white 'floral' circular box and cover, Mark and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 青花花卉紋蓋盒 《大清康熙年製》款

506 A fine and rare blue and white 'floral' circular box and cover, Mark and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 青花花卉紋蓋盒 《大清康熙年製》款

A fine and rare reserve-decorated café-au-lait 'sanduo' bowl, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 米黃地堆白三多紋盌 《大清雍正年製》款

507 A fine and rare reserve-decorated café-au-lait 'sanduo' bowl, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 米黃地堆白三多紋盌 《大清雍正年製》款

A pair of café-au-lait-glazed ogee-form bowls, Seal marks and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 米黃釉折腰盌一對 《大清乾隆年製》款

508 A pair of café-au-lait-glazed ogee-form bowls, Seal marks and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 米黃釉折腰盌一對 《大清乾隆年製》款

A fine café-au-lait-glazed bowl, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 米黃釉盌 《大清雍正年製》款

509 A fine café-au-lait-glazed bowl, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 米黃釉盌 《大清雍正年製》款

An extremely rare café-au-lait-ground iron-red 'dragon' dish, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 米黃地礬紅彩雲龍紋盤 《大清雍正年製》款

510 An extremely rare café-au-lait-ground iron-red 'dragon' dish, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 米黃地礬紅彩雲龍紋盤 《大清雍正年製》款

A Ming-style copper-red 'three fish' stem bowl, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 釉裏紅三魚紋高足盌 《大清雍正年製》款

511 A Ming-style copper-red 'three fish' stem bowl, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 釉裏紅三魚紋高足盌 《大清雍正年製》款

An incised yellow-glazed 'floral' dish, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 黃釉暗刻纏枝花卉紋盤 《大清雍正年製》款

512 An incised yellow-glazed 'floral' dish, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 黃釉暗刻纏枝花卉紋盤 《大清雍正年製》款

A rare Ru-type meiping, Seal mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 仿汝釉梅瓶 《大清雍正年製》款

513 A rare Ru-type meiping, Seal mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 仿汝釉梅瓶 《大清雍正年製》款

An exceptionally rare Ming-style blue and white 'dragon' bowl, Qing dynasty, Qianlong period, dated to the 7th year, corresponding to 1742 | 清乾隆七年(1742年) 青花雲龍趕珠紋盌 《康字號七年樣》款

514 An exceptionally rare Ming-style blue and white 'dragon' bowl, Qing dynasty, Qianlong period, dated to the 7th year, corresponding to 1742 | 清乾隆七年(1742年) 青花雲龍趕珠紋盌 《康字號七年樣》款

A fine and rare Ming-style yellow-ground and underglaze-blue handled cup, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 黄地青花仙芝花卉紋雙耳盃 《大清雍正年製》款

515 A fine and rare Ming-style yellow-ground and underglaze-blue handled cup, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 黄地青花仙芝花卉紋雙耳盃 《大清雍正年製》款

An extremely rare blue and white 'shou medallion' meiping, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 青花團花壽字紋梅瓶 《大清雍正年製》款

516 An extremely rare blue and white 'shou medallion' meiping, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 青花團花壽字紋梅瓶 《大清雍正年製》款

An exceptionally rare blue and white three-tiered tripod box and cover, Mark and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 青花團鳳紋獸足三層蓋盒 《大清康熙年製》款

517 An exceptionally rare blue and white three-tiered tripod box and cover, Mark and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 青花團鳳紋獸足三層蓋盒 《大清康熙年製》款

A doucai 'peach' dish, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 鬪彩壽桃紋盤 《大清雍正年製》款

518 A doucai 'peach' dish, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 鬪彩壽桃紋盤 《大清雍正年製》款

A doucai 'phoenix' dish, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 鬪彩夔鳳穿花紋盤 《大清乾隆年製》款

519 A doucai 'phoenix' dish, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 鬪彩夔鳳穿花紋盤 《大清乾隆年製》款

A doucai 'double lotus' dish, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 鬪彩寶相並蒂蓮紋盤 《大清雍正年製》款

520 A doucai 'double lotus' dish, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 鬪彩寶相並蒂蓮紋盤 《大清雍正年製》款

A rare doucai 'birthday' dish, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 闘彩鶴壽延年圖盤 《大清雍正年製》款

521 A rare doucai 'birthday' dish, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 闘彩鶴壽延年圖盤 《大清雍正年製》款

A fine doucai 'magpie and prunus' conical bowl, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 鬪彩喜上眉梢圖笠式盌 《大清雍正年製》款

522 A fine doucai 'magpie and prunus' conical bowl, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 鬪彩喜上眉梢圖笠式盌 《大清雍正年製》款

A pair of yellow-ground green-enameled 'dragon' foliate-rim dishes, Seal marks and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 黃地綠彩趕珠龍紋花口小盤一對 《大清乾隆年製》款

523 A pair of yellow-ground green-enameled 'dragon' foliate-rim dishes, Seal marks and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 黃地綠彩趕珠龍紋花口小盤一對 《大清乾隆年製》款

A fine and small yellow-ground and underglaze-blue 'lança' bowl, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 黃地青花蓮托梵文小墩式盌 《大清雍正年製》款

524 A fine and small yellow-ground and underglaze-blue 'lança' bowl, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 黃地青花蓮托梵文小墩式盌 《大清雍正年製》款

A rare doucai 'dragon and phoenix' double-gourd vase, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 闘彩龍鳳紋葫蘆瓶

525 A rare doucai 'dragon and phoenix' double-gourd vase, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 闘彩龍鳳紋葫蘆瓶

A celadon-glazed drum-shaped vase, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 粉青釉鋪首耳鼓式罐 《大清乾隆年製》款

526 A celadon-glazed drum-shaped vase, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 粉青釉鋪首耳鼓式罐 《大清乾隆年製》款

A pair of clair-de-lune-glazed dishes, Marks and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 天藍釉盤一對 《大清雍正年製》款

527 A pair of clair-de-lune-glazed dishes, Marks and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 天藍釉盤一對 《大清雍正年製》款

A brown-glazed bowl, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 紫金釉弦紋折沿盌 《大清乾隆年製》款

528 A brown-glazed bowl, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 紫金釉弦紋折沿盌 《大清乾隆年製》款

A blue-ground polychrome-enameled 'dragon' bowl, Mark and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 青花地紅綠彩雲龍趕珠紋盌 《大清康熙年製》款

529 A blue-ground polychrome-enameled 'dragon' bowl, Mark and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 青花地紅綠彩雲龍趕珠紋盌 《大清康熙年製》款

A flambé-glazed 'pomegranate' lobed vase, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 窰變釉石榴尊 《大清乾隆年製》款

530 A flambé-glazed 'pomegranate' lobed vase, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 窰變釉石榴尊 《大清乾隆年製》款

A copper-red-glazed bottle vase, Qing dynasty, 18th / 19th century | 清十八 / 十九世紀 紅釉長頸瓶

531 A copper-red-glazed bottle vase, Qing dynasty, 18th / 19th century | 清十八 / 十九世紀 紅釉長頸瓶

A blue and white 'floral' moonflask, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 青花纏枝花卉紋抱月瓶

532 A blue and white 'floral' moonflask, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 青花纏枝花卉紋抱月瓶

A fine coral-ground reserve-decorated 'lotus' bowl, Seal mark and period of Daoguang | 清道光 珊瑚紅地留白纏枝蓮紋盌 《大清道光年製》款

533 A fine coral-ground reserve-decorated 'lotus' bowl, Seal mark and period of Daoguang | 清道光 珊瑚紅地留白纏枝蓮紋盌 《大清道光年製》款

A lavender blue-glazed 'pomegranate' vase, Qing dynasty, Daoguang period | 清道光 天藍釉石榴尊 《浩然堂》款

534 A lavender blue-glazed 'pomegranate' vase, Qing dynasty, Daoguang period | 清道光 天藍釉石榴尊 《浩然堂》款

A rare molded famille-rose 'wine jar' meiping, Seal mark and period of Daoguang | 清道光 粉彩「狀元紅」瓶 《大清道光年製》款

535 A rare molded famille-rose 'wine jar' meiping, Seal mark and period of Daoguang | 清道光 粉彩「狀元紅」瓶 《大清道光年製》款

A rare copper-red and underglaze-blue 'dragon' bombe-form censer, Seal mark and period of Xianfeng | 清咸豐 青花釉裏紅雲龍趕珠紋鋪首耳簋式爐 《大清咸豐年製》款

536 A rare copper-red and underglaze-blue 'dragon' bombe-form censer, Seal mark and period of Xianfeng | 清咸豐 青花釉裏紅雲龍趕珠紋鋪首耳簋式爐 《大清咸豐年製》款

A rare pair of inscribed blue and white cups, Marks and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 青花「五氏宗祠」盃一對 《同治年介臣製》款

537 A rare pair of inscribed blue and white cups, Marks and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 青花「五氏宗祠」盃一對 《同治年介臣製》款

A pair of famille-rose 'Eight Buddhist Emblems' dishes, Marks and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 粉彩八吉祥紋盤一對 《大清同治年製》款

538 A pair of famille-rose 'Eight Buddhist Emblems' dishes, Marks and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 粉彩八吉祥紋盤一對 《大清同治年製》款

A rare blue and white 'flower-balls' ash container, Seal mark and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 青花皮球花紋灰槽 《同治年製》款

539 A rare blue and white 'flower-balls' ash container, Seal mark and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 青花皮球花紋灰槽 《同治年製》款

A pair of yellow-ground famille-rose 'longevity' bowls, covers, and dishes, Qing dynasty, Tongzhi period | 清同治 黃地粉彩開光「萬壽無疆」蓋盌連托兩套 《長春同慶》款

540 A pair of yellow-ground famille-rose 'longevity' bowls, covers, and dishes, Qing dynasty, Tongzhi period | 清同治 黃地粉彩開光「萬壽無疆」蓋盌連托兩套 《長春同慶》款

A pair of yellow-ground famille-rose 'longevity' zhadou, Qing dynasty, Tongzhi period | 清同治 黃地粉彩開光「萬壽無疆」渣斗一對 《長春同慶》款

541 A pair of yellow-ground famille-rose 'longevity' zhadou, Qing dynasty, Tongzhi period | 清同治 黃地粉彩開光「萬壽無疆」渣斗一對 《長春同慶》款

A pair of yellow-ground puce-enameled 'dragon' altar candlesticks, Qing dynasty, Tongzhi period, dated jiaxu year, corresponding to 1874 | 清同治甲戌年(1874年) 黃地胭脂紅彩趕珠龍紋燭臺一對 《甲戌年製》款

542 A pair of yellow-ground puce-enameled 'dragon' altar candlesticks, Qing dynasty, Tongzhi period, dated jiaxu year, corresponding to 1874 | 清同治甲戌年(1874年) 黃地胭脂紅彩趕珠龍紋燭臺一對 《甲戌年製》款

A group of coral-red-ground famille-rose 'imperial wedding' wares, Qing dynasty, Tongzhi period | 清同治 珊瑚紅地粉彩開光龍鳳呈祥紋瓷一組 《長春同慶》《燕喜同和》《光緒年製》《同治年製》款

543 A group of coral-red-ground famille-rose 'imperial wedding' wares, Qing dynasty, Tongzhi period | 清同治 珊瑚紅地粉彩開光龍鳳呈祥紋瓷一組 《長春同慶》《燕喜同和》《光緒年製》《同治年製》款

A yellow-ground famille-rose 'magpie and prunus' cup, Mark and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 黃地粉彩喜上眉梢紋盃 《同治年製》款

544 A yellow-ground famille-rose 'magpie and prunus' cup, Mark and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 黃地粉彩喜上眉梢紋盃 《同治年製》款

A large yellow-ground famille-rose 'magpie and prunus' bowl, Mark and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 黃地粉彩喜上眉梢紋大盌 《同治年製》款

545 A large yellow-ground famille-rose 'magpie and prunus' bowl, Mark and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 黃地粉彩喜上眉梢紋大盌 《同治年製》款

A yellow-ground famille-rose 'magpie and prunus' dish, Mark and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 黃地粉彩喜上眉梢紋盤 《同治年製》款

546 A yellow-ground famille-rose 'magpie and prunus' dish, Mark and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 黃地粉彩喜上眉梢紋盤 《同治年製》款

A yellow-ground famille-rose 'butterfly and shuangxi' bowl, Mark and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 黃地粉彩百蝶雙喜紋盌 《同治年製》款

547 A yellow-ground famille-rose 'butterfly and shuangxi' bowl, Mark and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 黃地粉彩百蝶雙喜紋盌 《同治年製》款

A pair of yellow-ground famille-rose 'butterfly and shuangxi' bowls, Marks and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 黃地粉彩百蝶雙喜紋盌一對 《同治年製》款

548 A pair of yellow-ground famille-rose 'butterfly and shuangxi' bowls, Marks and period of Tongzhi | 清同治 黃地粉彩百蝶雙喜紋盌一對 《同治年製》款