Important Chinese Art
Important Chinese Art
Property from a Canadian Private Collection
Auction Closed
September 20, 05:51 PM GMT
20,000 - 30,000 USD
Lot Details
Property from a Canadian Private Collection
A set of four famille-rose 'Buddhist figure' plaques, by Qian Fengqi
Republic period, dated yihai year, corresponding to 1935
民國乙亥(1935年) 錢鳳起作佛教人物圖瓷板一套四幅
each panel inscribed with an inscription in cursive script, identifying the portrayed figures to be Amitabha, Bodhidharma, Fotudeng, and Pindola, signed Qian Fengqi, followed by a seal reading zhiyin in iron red, framed (4)
無量壽佛 時屬乙亥仲春月珠山客次 錢鳳起仿新羅老人寫
梁武帝時 達摩尊者折一葦履之渡江 為西方第一祖 珠山客次珍古閣西室 鳳起仿古名人筆法
佛圖澄天竺人 妙通玄術 石勒召試之 澄取鉢盛水 咒之 須臾 鉢中生青蓮花 乙亥春初 鳳起作於珠山客次
虎態本顛狂 大不獨言王 群禽難制伏 此獸拜□□ 禮老禪輝重 書奴道消長 從今去佛法 威勢不能張 珠山鳳起寫
Height 15 in., 38 cm; Width 9⅝ in., 24.5 cm
Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York, 28th September 1979, lot 328.
蘇富比 Parke Bernet,紐約,1979年9月28日,編號328