Important Chinese Art

Important Chinese Art

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 3650. An imperial inscribed spinach-green jade 'Pengdao Yaotai' boulder, Qing dynasty, Qianlong period |  清乾隆 碧玉雕御題詩蓬島瑤台山子.

Property from the De An Tang Collection | 德安堂藏玉

An imperial inscribed spinach-green jade 'Pengdao Yaotai' boulder, Qing dynasty, Qianlong period | 清乾隆 碧玉雕御題詩蓬島瑤台山子

Auction Closed

April 8, 02:15 PM GMT


2,500,000 - 5,000,000 HKD

Lot Details


Property from the De An Tang Collection

An imperial inscribed spinach-green jade 'Pengdao Yaotai' boulder,

Qing dynasty, Qianlong period


清乾隆 碧玉雕御題詩蓬島瑤台山子

23.2 by 7.2 by h. 24.1 cm

An American private collection, acquired between 1940s-1960s.


Impressive for its large size, the carving of the present lot is representative of some of the highest quality workmanship of the imperial jade ateliers during the Qianlong period, indicating it would have been a particularly prized possession and possibly a special commission. The outstanding skill of the jade lapidary artist is exemplified by the perfectly carved and carefully composed animated scene, which is enhanced by the translucent and luminous tone of the remarkable Khotan spinach-green jade stone. 

The imperial poem carved on the present boulder indicates that the mountainous landscape is likely a reminiscence of Pengdao yaotai, or 'Jade Terrace of Paradise Island', which is one of the Forty Scenes of the Yuanmingyuan. In the ninth year of the Qianlong reign (1744), the Qianlong Emperor commissioned a set of forty paintings from Shen Yuan and Tangdai. The paintings, currently in the collection of Bibliothèque nationale de France, are among the few remaining visual records of the Yuanmingyuan prior to 1860, see Lillian M. Li, 'The Garden of Perfect Brightness 1: The Yuanmingyuan as Imperial Paradise (1700-1860)', MIT Visualizing Cultures, Massachusetts, 2013. The subject matter on the present boulder is most likely based on paintings from the classical cannon, as the Qianlong emperor advocated that jade mountains and carved panels should carry the spirit of paintings by famous past masters. 

See a closely related spinach-green jade 'Immortals' boulder in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Jasper Wares of Qing Dynasty Collected by the Palace Museum and Manasi, Beijing, 2014, pp. 266-267, pl. 109. See also another related white jade screen carved with similar subject matter, Qing dynasty, in the Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated in The Refined Taste of the Emperor: Special Exhibition of Archaic and Pictorial Jades of the Qing Court, Taipei, 1997, pp. 204-205, pl. 71.


蓬島瑤台是圓明園四十景之一,建於雍正三年(1725年)前後,時稱蓬萊洲,乾隆初年定名蓬島瑤台。乾隆元年(173年)正月,乾隆帝命內廷畫師按康熙朝繪製的避暑山莊三十六景圖,為圓明園各「殿宇處所」起稿分景畫樣,其後不久又改令唐岱、沈源二人繪畫。乾隆六年又增入「方壺勝境」、「蓬島瑤台」和「慈雲普護」三圖,最終成為《四十景圖》。此《四十景圖》絹本彩繪目前收藏於法國國家圖書館中,見李明珠,〈The Garden of Perfect Brightness 1: The Yuanmingyuan as Imperial Paradise (1700-1860)〉,《MIT Visualizing Cultures》,麻薩諸塞州,2013年。
