Important Chinese Art

Important Chinese Art

全萤幕检视 - 查看3649An imperial gilt-inscribed white jade table screen, Qing dynasty, Qianlong period |   清乾隆 白玉描金御製詩漁樵圖硯屏 《臣覺羅桂芳敬書》款、「臣」、「桂芳」印的1

Property from the De An Tang Collection | 德安堂藏玉

An imperial gilt-inscribed white jade table screen, Qing dynasty, Qianlong period | 清乾隆 白玉描金御製詩漁樵圖硯屏 《臣覺羅桂芳敬書》款、「臣」、「桂芳」印


April 8, 02:15 PM GMT


600,000 - 1,200,000 HKD


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Property from the De An Tang Collection

An imperial gilt-inscribed white jade table screen,

Qing dynasty, Qianlong period


清乾隆 白玉描金御製詩漁樵圖硯屏 《臣覺羅桂芳敬書》款、「臣」、「桂芳」印

wood stand

plaque: 14.8 by 1 by h. 22 cm;

overall h. 32.1 cm

Romance with Jade: From the De An Tang Collection, Yongshougong, Palace Museum, Beijing, 2004, cat. no. 62.


The Qianlong Emperor is recorded as having commissioned jade screens to be carved based on paintings from the classical canon. Under the Emperor's advocacy, jade boulders and carved table screens presented to the imperial court were expected to embody the spirit of paintings by renowned past masters. The Qianlong Emperor's appreciation of jade 'landscape' screens is demonstrated in one of his poems, as discussed in an essay by Yang Boda, 'Jade: Emperor Ch'ien Lung's Collection in the Palace Museum, Peking', Arts of Asia, March-April 1992. Compare a related white jade table screen, depicting a scholar appreciating a landscape, carved in low relief and inscribed with an imperial poem followed by the phrase chen Wang Jie jing shu (respectfully written by the Emperor's subject Wang Jie), one in the Summer Palace, Beijing, published in Compendium of the Cultural Relics in the Collection of the Summer Palace, Beijing, 2018, no. 50-1.









臣 覺羅桂芳敬書

「臣」「桂芳」 二印

此類硯屏為清代宮廷文房陳設,具有類似繪畫的視覺效果,乾隆帝尤其寵愛此類具有「畫意」的玉器,清宮檔案中也曾有記載乾隆帝命宮廷造玉作坊工匠按照宮廷繪畫對玉器進行雕刻,見楊伯達,〈北京故宮清宮舊藏乾隆玉器〉,《Arts of Asia》,1992年3-4月。參看一例清乾隆 白玉暗刻填金御題詩「群峰秀景」圖屏,「臣王杰敬書」款,「臣」「杰」印,著錄於《頤和園文物大系》,北京,2018年,編號50-1。