Important Chinese Art
24 March - 8 April 2023 • Hong Kong
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3601 An important and exceedingly rare gold kneeling figure, Western Han dynasty | 西漢 金羽人
3602 An exceptional gold, silver and turquoise-inlaid bronze garment hook, Late Eastern Zhou dynasty, 3rd century BC | 東周末 公元前三世紀 銅錯金銀嵌綠松石獸首帶鉤
3603 A rare gold and silver-inlaid bronze 'warrior and tiger' garment hook, Western Han dynasty, 3rd - 2nd century BC | 西漢 公元前三至二世紀 銅錯金銀虎搏人紋帶鉤
3604 An exceptionally rare archaic bronze ritual wine vessel and cover, gong, Late Shang dynasty | 商末 青銅獸形觥
3605 A very rare and important bronze 'bovine' harness frontlet, Northwest China, 6th century BC | 公元前六世紀 中國西北部 青銅獸面馬冠飾
3606 A rare turquoise-inlaid bronze 'dragon' dagger-axe, ge, Late Shang dynasty | 商末 青銅嵌綠松石曲內岐冠式龍紋戈
3607 An inscribed archaic bronze ritual wine vessel, jue, Shang dynasty, 12th - 11th century BC | 商 公元前十二至十一世紀 子丙爵
3608 An exceptional and rare gilt-bronze 'feline' ornament, North China, 1st - 2nd century AD | 公元一至二世紀 中國北方 鎏金銅獸形飾
3609 An archaic bronze ritual wine vessel, gu, Shang dynasty, Anyang phase | 商代安陽時期 青銅觚
3610 An extremely rare and important archaic bronze ritual wine vessel and cover, you, Shang dynasty, Yinxu period | 商代殷墟時期 青銅饕餮紋卣
3611 A group of three archaic jades, Neolithic period - Shang dynasty | 新石器時代至商 玉璧、玉牙璧及玉鉞一組三件
3612 A silver-inlaid bronze 'tiger' fitting, Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period | 東周戰國 銅錯銀虎首飾件
3613 An inscribed archaic bronze ritual wine vessel, jue, Late Shang dynasty | 商末 父天爵
3614 A monumental and extremely rare limestone head of Vairocana Buddha, Tang dynasty | 唐 石灰岩雕寶冠佛首
3615 An imperial and exceedingly rare puce-enamel falangcai 'dragon' vase, Blue enamel mark and period of Yongzheng Possibly made in 1732 according to Qing court record | 清雍正 御製胭脂紅琺瑯彩逐珠雲龍紋玉壺春瓶 《雍正年製》藍料款 據錄或製於雍正十年
3616 A fine and extremely rare famille-rose 'Magu' bowl, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 粉彩麻姑獻壽圖盌 《大清雍正年製》款
3617 An exceptional Junyao lavender-glazed narcissus bowl, Early Ming dynasty | 明初 鈞窰天藍釉鼓釘三足水仙盆 「二」字款
3618 A rare copper-red decorated 'chrysanthemum' barbed cupstand, Ming dynasty, Hongwu period | 明洪武 釉裏紅菊花折沿菱口盞托
3619 A rare yellow-glazed bowl, Mark and period of Zhengde | 明正德 黃釉盌 《大明正德年製》款
3620 A rare blue and white 'lotus' dish, Mark and period of Wanli | 明萬曆 青花梵文蓮瓣盤 《大明萬曆年製》款
3621 A fine and rare small blue and white 'waves' barbed dish, Ming dynasty, Yongle period | 明永樂 青花花卉海水菱口折沿盤
3622 A fine doucai 'lingzhi' dish, Mark and period of Jiajing | 明嘉靖 鬪彩靈芝紋盤 《大明嘉靖年製》款
3623 A small blue and white barbed dish, Mark and period of jiajing | 明嘉靖 青花瑞果蓮花紋菱口折沿盤 《大明嘉靖年製》款
3624 A blue and white 'bird' beaker vase, Mark and period of Wanli | 明萬曆 青花花鳥紋出戟花觚 《大明萬曆年製》款
3625 A blue and white and café-au-lait glazed warming bowl, Ming dynasty, 16th century | 明十六世紀 內青花人物外紫金釉朵花紋溫盌
3626 An extremely rare green-ground sancai dish, Mark and period of Wanli | 明萬曆 綠地素三彩八寶靈芝紋撇口盤 《大明萬曆年製》款
3627 A fine wucai 'rose' month cup, Mark and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 五彩月季花花神盃 《大清康熙年製》款
3628 A fine wucai 'rose' month cup, Mark and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 五彩月季花花神盃 《大清康熙年製》款
3629 A biscuit-enamelled sancai 'floral' bowl, Mark and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 素三彩暗龍花蝶紋盌 《大清康熙年製》款
3630 A pair of biscuit-enamelled sancai dishes, Marks and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 素三彩瑞果暗龍紋盤一對 《大清康熙年製》款
3631 A fine and exceptionally rare pair of pink-enamel cups, Marks and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 胭脂紅彩盃一對 《大清雍正年製》款
3632 A fine lavender-glazed bowl, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 天青釉盌 《大清雍正年製》款
3633 A fine moulded celadon-glazed 'bat and gourd' bowl, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 粉青釉福壽綿綿盌 《大清雍正年製》款
3634 A fine blue and white 'chrysanthemum' jar, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 青花團菊紋罐 《大清雍正年製》款
3635 A fine and rare pair of doucai 'floral scroll' bowls, Marks and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 鬪彩纏枝番蓮紋盌一對 《大清雍正年製》款
3636 A pair of fine blue and white 'dragon' bowls, Marks and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 青花雲龍紋盌一對 《大清雍正年製》款
3637 A Langyao-imitation red-glazed dish, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 仿郎窰紅釉盤 《大清乾隆年製》款
3638 A blue-glazed bowl, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 霽藍釉盌 《大清乾隆年製》款
3639 A fine pair of doucai 'chrysanthemum' jars and covers, Seal marks and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 鬪彩番蓮團菊紋蓋罐一對 《大清乾隆年製》款
3640 A fine pair of blue and white 'sanduo' bowls, Seal marks and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 青花福壽三多盌一對 《大清乾隆年製》款
3641 A fine blue and white ogee 'bajixiang' bowl, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 青花福山壽海八吉祥折腰盌 《大清乾隆年製》款
3642 A fine lemon-yellow enamelled saucer dish, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 檸檬黃釉小盤 《大清乾隆年製》款
3643 A fine carved pale celadon-glazed 'bat' washer, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 粉青釉淺浮雕雲蝠紋鏜鑼洗 《大清乾隆年製》款
3644 An imperial Khotan-green jade 'tian'en baxun zhi bao' seal, Qing dynasty, Qianlong period | 清乾隆 乾隆帝御寶和闐青玉交龍鈕璽 印文:天恩八旬之寶
3645 A small yellow and russet jade 'taotie' gu vase, Qing dynasty, Qianlong period | 清乾隆 黃玉仿古饕餮紋海棠式花觚
3646 A white jade dish, Mark and period of Jiaqing | 清嘉慶 白玉盤 《嘉慶年製》款
3647 A finely carved white jade 'magpie and prunus' brushpot, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 白玉雕喜上眉梢筆筒
3648 A superb imperial white jade 'prunus' teapot and cover, Qing dynasty, Yongzheng period | 清雍正 御製白玉雕梅花紋蓋壺