Giovanni Pratesi: The Florentine Eye

Giovanni Pratesi: The Florentine Eye

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 112. Saint Catherine of Siena Receiving the Stigmata.

Rutilio Manetti

Saint Catherine of Siena Receiving the Stigmata

Auction Closed

March 22, 07:15 PM GMT


8,000 - 12,000 EUR

Lot Details


Rutilio Manetti

1571 - 1639

Saint Catherine of Siena Receiving the Stigmata

inscribed and dated on the step lower left: SANCTI·D·N·VRBANVS·VIII·16·FEBBRVARII 1630

oil on canvas

unframed: 99 x 76.2 cm; 39 x 30 in.

framed: 115 x 99.5 cm.; 45¼ x 39⅛ in.

This lot has an artistic export license. Please refer to the specialist department for further information about export procedures and shipping costs.
Private collection;
In the collection of the present owner by 1998.
S. Bellesi in Luce e Ombra. Caravaggismo e naturalismo nella pittura toscana del Seicento, P. Carofano (ed.), Pisa 2005, pp. CIV and CXII, fig. 24, reproduced;
P. Di Natale in Il Tesoro d’Italia, V. Sgarbi (ed.), exh. cat., Milan 2015, pp. 268–69, no. 17, reproduced in colour. 

Dated 16 February 1630, this painting is a characteristic example of Rutilio Manetti's mature style. After training with Mannerist painters Francesco Vanni (1563–1610) and Ventura Salimbeni (1568–1613), Manetti turned to dramatic chiaroscuro and intense naturalism from the 1620s onwards, as can be seen in this work.

This painting is a reduced version, probably intended for private devotion, of the altarpiece (still in situ) commissioned in 1630 for the Church of Santa Caterina in Fontebranda in Siena, following Pope Urban VIII recognition of Saint Catherine's stigmata.The miraculous 13th-century crucifix depicted in the work can still be admired in the church to this day.2,_crocifisso_delle_stimmate_di_santa_caterina,_da_santa_cristina_a_pisa,_1150-1200_ca._04.jpg#/media/File:Scuola_pisana,_crocifisso_delle_stimmate_di_santa_caterina,_da_santa_cristina_a_pisa,_1150-1200_ca._04.jpg

This lot has an artistic export license. Please refer to the specialist department for further information about export procedures and shipping costs.