Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 2513. Huang Jishui 1509 - 1574 黃姬水 | Calligraphy in cursive script 草書《客至》.

Painting and calligraphy fan leaves from the Yee-Ming Kuo Collection, Lot 2501-2521 | 郭彝民收藏明清書畫扇面 拍品編號2501-2521

Huang Jishui 1509 - 1574 黃姬水 | Calligraphy in cursive script 草書《客至》

Auction Closed

April 6, 02:00 PM GMT


20,000 - 30,000 HKD

Lot Details


Painting and calligraphy fan leaves from the Yee-Ming Kuo Collection, Lot 2501-2521

Huang Jishui 1509 - 1574

Calligraphy in cursive script

ink on gold paper, fan leaf

signed Jishui and with one seal of the artist

with one collector’s seal of Yee-Ming Kuo (1883-1974)

16 x 49 cm. 6¼ x 19¼ in.


郭彝民收藏明清書畫扇面 拍品編號2501-2521

黃姬水 1509-1574


水墨金箋 扇面


鑑藏印:(郭彝民) 郭則生

注:黃姬水 (1509-1574),初名道中,字致甫,又字淳父。南直隸蘇州府吳縣(今屬江蘇)人。明代學者黃省曾之子。幼聰慧,早年曾侍奉文徵明,書法學祝允明,又力學於虞世南、王寵二家。著有《貧士傳》、《白下集》、《高素齋集》等。翁方綱評曰:「枝山之學晉法得一王履吉,復得一黃淳甫,竟若據有明一代楷法之勝者,亦猶徐廸功之談藝雲爾。」