Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

Fine Classical Chinese Paintings

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 3067. Zhuang Yongong, Calligraphy in Running script | 莊有恭 行書《太平清話》片語 .

Property from a Private North American Collection, Lot 3052-3069 | 北美私人收藏,拍品編號3052-3069

Zhuang Yongong, Calligraphy in Running script | 莊有恭 行書《太平清話》片語

Auction Closed

October 7, 01:07 PM GMT


20,000 - 40,000 HKD

Lot Details


Property from a Private North American Collection, Lot 3052-3069

Zhuang Yongong 1713 - 1767

Calligraphy in Running script

ink on paper, hanging scroll

signed Zhuang Yongong and with two seals of the artist

78.5 x 47.5 cm. 31 x 18¾ in.



莊有恭 1713 - 1767


水墨紙本 立軸


注: 莊有恭(1713-1767),字容可,號滋圃,廣東廣州府番禺縣(今廣州黃埔)人。乾隆四年(1739)己未科狀元,清代第一位出自廣東的狀元。歷任翰林院修撰、侍讀學士、刑部尚書、協辦大學士、兩江總督、太子少保,江蘇、浙江、湖北和福建巡撫等職。一生以「勤政愛民,清廉自勵」作為為官之道,深受百姓讚許。 其治水有道,在江浙治水的政績顯著,著有《三江水利記略》。