Fine Chinese Paintings

Fine Chinese Paintings

Fine Chinese Paintings

齊白石  紅梅 | Qi Baishi, Red Plum Blossoms

6001 齊白石 紅梅 | Qi Baishi, Red Plum Blossoms

田世光 玉蘭翠鳥 | Tian Shiguang, Magnolia and Kingfisher

6002 田世光 玉蘭翠鳥 | Tian Shiguang, Magnolia and Kingfisher

齊白石 五世同甘 | Qi Baishi, Persimmons

6003 齊白石 五世同甘 | Qi Baishi, Persimmons

 于非闇 臨馬遠松下觀瀑 | Yu Fei'an, Scholar under Pine Tree

6004 于非闇 臨馬遠松下觀瀑 | Yu Fei'an, Scholar under Pine Tree

 溥伒 山水雙清書法格景扇 | Pu Jin, Painting and Calligraphy

6005 溥伒 山水雙清書法格景扇 | Pu Jin, Painting and Calligraphy

張善子 霜崖虎憩 | Zhang Shanzi, Tiger in Autumn Mountain

6006 張善子 霜崖虎憩 | Zhang Shanzi, Tiger in Autumn Mountain

金城、馬晉 芙蓉雙鵝| Jin Cheng, Ma Jin, Hibiscus and Geese

6007 金城、馬晉 芙蓉雙鵝| Jin Cheng, Ma Jin, Hibiscus and Geese

溥儒 後赤壁圖 | Pu Ru, Journey to the Red Cliff

6008 溥儒 後赤壁圖 | Pu Ru, Journey to the Red Cliff

溥儒 楷書朱熹〈敬齋箴〉|  Pu Ru, Calligraphy in Kaishu

6009 溥儒 楷書朱熹〈敬齋箴〉| Pu Ru, Calligraphy in Kaishu

陳衡恪 葡萄 | Chen Hengke, Grape

6010 陳衡恪 葡萄 | Chen Hengke, Grape

齊白石 叢荷 | Qi Baishi, Lotus

6011 齊白石 叢荷 | Qi Baishi, Lotus

謝稚柳 芙蓉引蝶 | Xie Zhiliu, Flowers and Butterfly

6012 謝稚柳 芙蓉引蝶 | Xie Zhiliu, Flowers and Butterfly

陳佩秋 霜葉棲禽 | Chen Peiqiu, A Bird Perching on Branch

6013 陳佩秋 霜葉棲禽 | Chen Peiqiu, A Bird Perching on Branch

趙少昂 細雨飛燕 |  Zhao Shao'ang, Swallow

6015 趙少昂 細雨飛燕 | Zhao Shao'ang, Swallow

謝稚柳 萬山蒼翠冊 | Xie Zhiliu, Landscapes

6016 謝稚柳 萬山蒼翠冊 | Xie Zhiliu, Landscapes

張大千 秋江釣艇 | Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien, 1899-1983) , Fishing in Autumn Mountains

6017 張大千 秋江釣艇 | Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien, 1899-1983) , Fishing in Autumn Mountains

于非闇 御衣黃 | Yu Fei'an, Yellow Peonies and Butterfly

6018 于非闇 御衣黃 | Yu Fei'an, Yellow Peonies and Butterfly

于右任 行書五言聯 | Yu Youren, Calligraphy Couplet in Xingshu

6019 于右任 行書五言聯 | Yu Youren, Calligraphy Couplet in Xingshu

溥儒 盤虬潛蛟 | Pu Ru, Pine Tree

6020 溥儒 盤虬潛蛟 | Pu Ru, Pine Tree

鄭午昌 墨梅 | Zheng Wuchang, Ink Plum Blossoms

6021 鄭午昌 墨梅 | Zheng Wuchang, Ink Plum Blossoms

戴熙 仿古山水冊 |  Dai Xi, Landscape after Ancient Masters

6022 戴熙 仿古山水冊 | Dai Xi, Landscape after Ancient Masters

張之萬 山水冊 | Zhang Zhiwan, Landscape

6023 張之萬 山水冊 | Zhang Zhiwan, Landscape

于非闇 絳桃雙雀 | Yu Fei'an, Peach Blossoms and Birds

6024 于非闇 絳桃雙雀 | Yu Fei'an, Peach Blossoms and Birds

孔小瑜 清供 | Kong Xiaoyu, New Year Offerings

6025 孔小瑜 清供 | Kong Xiaoyu, New Year Offerings

賀天健 迎月處 | He Tianjian, Under the Moonlight

6026 賀天健 迎月處 | He Tianjian, Under the Moonlight

陸抑非 寒香幽鳥圖 | Lu Yifei, Plum Blossoms and Birds

6027 陸抑非 寒香幽鳥圖 | Lu Yifei, Plum Blossoms and Birds

溥儒 行書七言聯 | Pu Ru, Calligraphy Couplet in Xingshu

6028 溥儒 行書七言聯 | Pu Ru, Calligraphy Couplet in Xingshu

蔡銑 梅壽雙仙 | Cai Xian, Plum Blossom and Cranes

6029 蔡銑 梅壽雙仙 | Cai Xian, Plum Blossom and Cranes

周鍊霞 桃花 | Zhou Lianxia, Peach Blossoms

6030 周鍊霞 桃花 | Zhou Lianxia, Peach Blossoms

吳湖帆、潘靜淑等 摹趙文俶花卉冊 | Wu Hufan, Pan Jingshu, etc., Flowers after Wen Shu

6031 吳湖帆、潘靜淑等 摹趙文俶花卉冊 | Wu Hufan, Pan Jingshu, etc., Flowers after Wen Shu

吳大澂 花卉冊 | Wu Dacheng, Flowers

6032 吳大澂 花卉冊 | Wu Dacheng, Flowers

鄭午昌 蔬菜草蟲 | Zheng Wuchang, Cabbages and Insects

6033 鄭午昌 蔬菜草蟲 | Zheng Wuchang, Cabbages and Insects

吳昌碩 篆書七言聯 | Wu Changshuo, Calligraphy Couplet in Zhuanshu

6034 吳昌碩 篆書七言聯 | Wu Changshuo, Calligraphy Couplet in Zhuanshu

王震 幽谷聼瀑 | Wang Zhen, Appreciating the Waterfall

6035 王震 幽谷聼瀑 | Wang Zhen, Appreciating the Waterfall

吳昌碩 潑墨牡丹 | Wu Changshuo, Ink Peonies

6036 吳昌碩 潑墨牡丹 | Wu Changshuo, Ink Peonies

于非闇 茶花蝴蝶 | Yu Fei'an, Camellia and Butterfly

6037 于非闇 茶花蝴蝶 | Yu Fei'an, Camellia and Butterfly

齊白石 枇杷 | Qi Baishi, Loquats

6038 齊白石 枇杷 | Qi Baishi, Loquats

齊白石 葵花天牛 | Qi Baishi, Sunflower and Beetle

6039 齊白石 葵花天牛 | Qi Baishi, Sunflower and Beetle

溥儒 寒松圖 | Pu Ru, Pine Trees

6040 溥儒 寒松圖 | Pu Ru, Pine Trees

溥儒 林泉高逸圖 | Pu Ru, Scholar Admiring Scenery

6041 溥儒 林泉高逸圖 | Pu Ru, Scholar Admiring Scenery

溥儒 南極仙翁 | Pu Ru, God of Longevity

6042 溥儒 南極仙翁 | Pu Ru, God of Longevity

臺靜農 行書劉夢得〈竹枝詞〉 | Tai Jingnong, Calligraphy in Xingshu

6043 臺靜農 行書劉夢得〈竹枝詞〉 | Tai Jingnong, Calligraphy in Xingshu

臺靜農 松菊圖 | Tai Jingnong, Pine and Chrysanthemums

6044 臺靜農 松菊圖 | Tai Jingnong, Pine and Chrysanthemums

臺靜農 楷書七言聯 | Tai Jingnong, Calligraphy Couplet in Kaishu

6045 臺靜農 楷書七言聯 | Tai Jingnong, Calligraphy Couplet in Kaishu

臺靜農 墨梅 | Tai Jingnong, Plum Blossoms

6046 臺靜農 墨梅 | Tai Jingnong, Plum Blossoms

吳冠中 今日香港 | Wu Guanzhong, Hong Kong in 1985

6047 吳冠中 今日香港 | Wu Guanzhong, Hong Kong in 1985

吳冠中 香港道 | Wu Guanzhong, Scenery of Hong Kong

6048 吳冠中 香港道 | Wu Guanzhong, Scenery of Hong Kong

吳冠中 牆頭草 | Wu Guanzhong, Grass on the Wall

6049 吳冠中 牆頭草 | Wu Guanzhong, Grass on the Wall