Fine Chinese Paintings

Fine Chinese Paintings

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 6018. 于非闇 御衣黃 | Yu Fei'an, Yellow Peonies and Butterfly.

王南屏長女王元元藏書畫 (編號6012-6023) | COLLECTION OF WONG NAN-PING’S DAUGHTER KAREN WANG (LOTS 6012 - 6023)

于非闇 御衣黃 | Yu Fei'an, Yellow Peonies and Butterfly

Auction Closed

October 8, 02:19 PM GMT


1,000,000 - 2,000,000 HKD

Lot Details


于非闇 御衣黃

設色紙本 鏡框 一九四八年作




─ 王元元

69.5 x 44.2 cm 27⅜ x 17⅜ in.


Yu Fei'an

1889 - 1959

Yellow Peonies and Butterfly

ink and colour on paper, framed

signed, dated 1948, with 3 seals of the artist

69.5 x 44.2 cm 27⅜ x 17⅜ in.

I have always liked flower paintings by Yu and I purchased a lotus hanging scroll at a Sotheby’s auction in HK with my father’s help. When my parents traveled to Shanghai in the 70s, they frequented the friendship stores where he saw this Yu Fei’an peony painting. He immediately purchased it knowing that I would love it. This painting has never been exhibited or seen by anyone except by my family and a few friends.
─ Karen Wang