Fine Chinese Paintings

Fine Chinese Paintings

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 6020. 溥儒 盤虬潛蛟 | Pu Ru, Pine Tree.

王南屏長女王元元藏書畫 (編號6012-6023) | COLLECTION OF WONG NAN-PING’S DAUGHTER KAREN WANG (LOTS 6012 - 6023)

溥儒 盤虬潛蛟 | Pu Ru, Pine Tree

Auction Closed

October 8, 02:19 PM GMT


100,000 - 200,000 HKD

Lot Details


溥儒 盤虬潛蛟

水墨紙本 鏡框 一九五二年作



59.5 x 29.3 cm 23⅝ x 11½ in.


Pu Ru

1896 - 1963

Pine Tree

ink on paper, framed

signed, dated 1952, with 2 seals of the artist

59.5 x 29.3 cm 23⅝ x 11½ in.