Fine Books and Manuscripts, Including Americana. Part 2

Fine Books and Manuscripts, Including Americana. Part 2

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 1206. Spenser, Edmund | A rare and exquisite edition, sumptuously bound.

Spenser, Edmund | A rare and exquisite edition, sumptuously bound

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3,000 - 5,000 USD

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Spenser, Edmund 

Epithalamion. New York: George D. Sproul, Saint Dunstan Edition, 1902 

4to (265 x 210 mm). Printed on vellum by The University Press, illuminated by Nestore Levin, signed and numbered on limitation statement by Nestor Levin, a representative for The University Press, and publisher George D. Sproul, additionally signed on title by Levin. Full dark brown, terra-cotta, ochre, and clay morocco, elaborately gilt, binding signed by Trautz-Bauzonnet. Housed in custom slipcase.

St. Dunstan edition, number 11 a total edition of 30 (18 copies sold in the United States, and 12 copies sold in Europe)

Publisher George D. Sproul conceived of the St. Dunstan edition in part inspired by the Arts and Crafts movement around the turn of the century. His aim was to celebrate the lost art of the book among collectors with unique and elaborately decorated editions at a premium cost, one that ultimately brought about numerous lawsuits against clients who had committed to purchase but weren’t able to pay, as well as lawsuits against Sproul for unfulfilled orders to others.

A rare and exquisite edition, sumptuously bound.