Emma Hawkins: A Natural World

Emma Hawkins: A Natural World

Emma Hawkins: A Natural World

Emma Hawkins: A Natural World

9 January - 19 January 2023 • London

A Hematite 'blood' iron ore specimen

1 A Hematite 'blood' iron ore specimen

An impressive Magnesium ore specimen

2 An impressive Magnesium ore specimen

A fine faceted synthetic Amethyst specimen

3 A fine faceted synthetic Amethyst specimen

A Chinese stalactite specimen from the Guangdong province, dating from 700-900—BC

4 A Chinese stalactite specimen from the Guangdong province, dating from 700-900—BC

A fossil of a Sea Lily (Seirocrinus subangularis, Crinoidea family) Holzmaden, Germany, Lower Jurassic Period, circa 180m years old

5 A fossil of a Sea Lily (Seirocrinus subangularis, Crinoidea family) Holzmaden, Germany, Lower Jurassic Period, circa 180m years old

A pair of large antique Giant Clam (Tridacna gigas) shells

6 A pair of large antique Giant Clam (Tridacna gigas) shells

A collection of eight assorted Abalone shells, early 20th century

7 A collection of eight assorted Abalone shells, early 20th century

A Victorian walnut and glazed display cabinet with an arrangement of sea shells and coral

8 A Victorian walnut and glazed display cabinet with an arrangement of sea shells and coral

A collection of assorted sea shells, 19th century

9 A collection of assorted sea shells, 19th century

Two Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) teeth each on a section of jaw, Prehistoric

10 Two Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) teeth each on a section of jaw, Prehistoric

A fossilised Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) tusk, Prehistoric

11 A fossilised Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) tusk, Prehistoric

A Victorian plaster cast of a Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) leg bone, 19th century

12 A Victorian plaster cast of a Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) leg bone, 19th century

A pair of fossilised Irish elk (Megaloceros giganteus) antlers, Prehistoric

13 A pair of fossilised Irish elk (Megaloceros giganteus) antlers, Prehistoric

An assembled group of leg and foot bones from an extinct South Island Giant Moa (Dinornis robustus), New Zealand, extinct circa 1500 and possibly 1000 years old or earlier

14 An assembled group of leg and foot bones from an extinct South Island Giant Moa (Dinornis robustus), New Zealand, extinct circa 1500 and possibly 1000 years old or earlier

A Great Elephant Bird (Aepyornis maximus) egg

15 A Great Elephant Bird (Aepyornis maximus) egg

Lady Cust's Great Auk egg

16 Lady Cust's Great Auk egg

An egg of the Extinct Great Auk (Pinguinus impennis), Iceland, 1844

A section of Dodo (Raphus cucullatus) beak, circa 1500

17 A section of Dodo (Raphus cucullatus) beak, circa 1500

A broken Dodo (Raphus cucullatus) leg bone , circa 1500

18 A broken Dodo (Raphus cucullatus) leg bone , circa 1500

English, Elizabethan, circa 1600

19 English, Elizabethan, circa 1600

A Seal Ring

An Elizabethan engraved presentation shoehorn by Robert Mindum, dated 1600

20 An Elizabethan engraved presentation shoehorn by Robert Mindum, dated 1600

A Charles II silver mounted engine turned lignum vitae tumbler cup, circa 1680

21 A Charles II silver mounted engine turned lignum vitae tumbler cup, circa 1680

A Charles II turned lignum vitae wassail bowl, late 17th century

22 A Charles II turned lignum vitae wassail bowl, late 17th century

A large English boldly turned lignum vitae mortar and iron mounted pestle, 17th century

23 A large English boldly turned lignum vitae mortar and iron mounted pestle, 17th century

An English boldly turned lignum vitae mortar and pestle, 17th century

24 An English boldly turned lignum vitae mortar and pestle, 17th century

A silver-mounted Boscobel Oak snuff box, unmarked, early 18th century

25 A silver-mounted Boscobel Oak snuff box, unmarked, early 18th century

A Scottish Antiquarian relief carved bog oak portrait of Sir William Wallace, second half 19th century

26 A Scottish Antiquarian relief carved bog oak portrait of Sir William Wallace, second half 19th century

A French colonial silver mounted carved coconut 'bugbear' taste vin, late 18th/early 19th century

27 A French colonial silver mounted carved coconut 'bugbear' taste vin, late 18th/early 19th century

Italian, 17th century

28 Italian, 17th century

Devotional Pendant

German 17th/ 18th century

29 German 17th/ 18th century

Three talismanic pendants

German, 17th century

30 German, 17th century

A heart-shaped amuletic pendant

Spanish, early 17th century

31 Spanish, early 17th century

Reliquary pendant

Three gold-mounted coral pendants, Italy and England, possibly 17th century and later

32 Three gold-mounted coral pendants, Italy and England, possibly 17th century and later

A 9 ct gold mounted Huia (Heteralocha acutirostris) beak brooch, Wanganui, New Zealand, circa 1880

33 A 9 ct gold mounted Huia (Heteralocha acutirostris) beak brooch, Wanganui, New Zealand, circa 1880

A silver-mounted cowrie shell tobacco box, unidentified mark, probably Dutch or German, late 17th century

34 A silver-mounted cowrie shell tobacco box, unidentified mark, probably Dutch or German, late 17th century

A Dutch East India Company (V.O.C) silver ingot from the Rooswijk cargo, Assay Master's mark of a rampant goat, circa 1739/1740

35 A Dutch East India Company (V.O.C) silver ingot from the Rooswijk cargo, Assay Master's mark of a rampant goat, circa 1739/1740

A gold-mounted cowrie shell snuff box, unmarked, probably German, circa 1859

36 A gold-mounted cowrie shell snuff box, unmarked, probably German, circa 1859

A carved Scenic Agate shallow bowl, 19th century

37 A carved Scenic Agate shallow bowl, 19th century

An Italian veined Nero Antico marble mortar, 17th century

38 An Italian veined Nero Antico marble mortar, 17th century

A group of sixteen Egyptian porphyry fragments

39 A group of sixteen Egyptian porphyry fragments

A Regency carved and turned 'Ashford marble' amphora vase, circa 1820

40 A Regency carved and turned 'Ashford marble' amphora vase, circa 1820

A Victorian portoro marble centre table, circa 1840

41 A Victorian portoro marble centre table, circa 1840

A pair of Russian gilt-bronze mounted Gaginskaya jasper pedestals, late 18th century

42 A pair of Russian gilt-bronze mounted Gaginskaya jasper pedestals, late 18th century

A Regency style fleece-upholstered and gilt-brass footstool

43 A Regency style fleece-upholstered and gilt-brass footstool

A Regency brass inlaid rosewood day bed

44 A Regency brass inlaid rosewood day bed

A pair of George IV mahogany pedestals, circa 1820, in the manner of William Trotter

45 A pair of George IV mahogany pedestals, circa 1820, in the manner of William Trotter

A set of twelve Regency mahogany and leather upholstered dining chairs, nine circa 1815, three commissioned to match and later

46 A set of twelve Regency mahogany and leather upholstered dining chairs, nine circa 1815, three commissioned to match and later

An early George III oval mahogany drop-leaf table, circa 1760

47 An early George III oval mahogany drop-leaf table, circa 1760

A pair of Irish George III mahogany decanter stands, late 18th/early 19th century

48 A pair of Irish George III mahogany decanter stands, late 18th/early 19th century

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