Contemporary Discoveries

Contemporary Discoveries

Contemporary Discoveries

Contemporary Discoveries

5 September - 12 September 2023 • Hong Kong

Your local time • 03:00 AM GMT

Lemon Tree | 檸檬樹

5501 Lemon Tree | 檸檬樹

I Am an Optimistic Person; I Never Take an Umbrella When I Go Out  | 我是個樂觀的人,我外出時從來不帶傘

5502 I Am an Optimistic Person; I Never Take an Umbrella When I Go Out | 我是個樂觀的人,我外出時從來不帶傘

Windy Monday | 刮風的星期一

5503 Windy Monday | 刮風的星期一

Into the Blue | 走進蔚藍

5504 Into the Blue | 走進蔚藍

Windy Day | 刮風天

5505 Windy Day | 刮風天

Caryatid Denied | 被女像柱拒绝

5506 Caryatid Denied | 被女像柱拒绝

Appearances of Crosses 2007-B4 | 十示 2007-B4

5507 Appearances of Crosses 2007-B4 | 十示 2007-B4

Creator Iluminatus (The Enlightened Creator) | 徹悟的造物主

5508 Creator Iluminatus (The Enlightened Creator) | 徹悟的造物主

i. Compact Star ii. Binary Star | i. 袖珍星 ii. 雙星

5509 i. Compact Star ii. Binary Star | i. 袖珍星 ii. 雙星

Untitled | 無題

5510 Untitled | 無題

Move Up | 上移

5511 Move Up | 上移

Adult Child - Love, Love | 大孩子-愛,愛

5512 Adult Child - Love, Love | 大孩子-愛,愛

Sharpies & Socks | 記號筆與襪子

5513 Sharpies & Socks | 記號筆與襪子

Graceful | 優雅

5514 Graceful | 優雅

A New Identity In The Fjords | 在峽灣的新身份

5515 A New Identity In The Fjords | 在峽灣的新身份

Untitled (Colored Sculpture - Merriment Series) | 無題(彩塑系列-嬉戲)

5516 Untitled (Colored Sculpture - Merriment Series) | 無題(彩塑系列-嬉戲)

Madam H and the Girls | H 女士與女孩們

5517 Madam H and the Girls | H 女士與女孩們

Umi Hime (Ocean Princess) | 海姬

5518 Umi Hime (Ocean Princess) | 海姬

Untitled | 無題

5519 Untitled | 無題

Untitled | 無題

5520 Untitled | 無題

Angry Little Girl #2 | 憤怒的小女孩 #2

5521 Angry Little Girl #2 | 憤怒的小女孩 #2

My Muse Fantasy | 我幻想的繆斯

5522 My Muse Fantasy | 我幻想的繆斯

Stand Up, Saviour | 救主,站起來

5523 Stand Up, Saviour | 救主,站起來

Moving Day | 搬家日

5524 Moving Day | 搬家日

Majestic Hapico | 雄偉的HAPICO

5525 Majestic Hapico | 雄偉的HAPICO

Creation of the Bat | 蝙蝠的創造

5526 Creation of the Bat | 蝙蝠的創造

Rest Assured | 放心

5527 Rest Assured | 放心

WELCOME! | 歡迎!

5528 WELCOME! | 歡迎!

Untitled | 無題

5529 Untitled | 無題

Walk 'N' Talk | 邊走邊說

5530 Walk 'N' Talk | 邊走邊說

Inside Outside | 在內在外

5531 Inside Outside | 在內在外

Maybe I'd Just Get Rid Of My Clothes And Leave It Alone | 要不我脫光衣服由得它

5532 Maybe I'd Just Get Rid Of My Clothes And Leave It Alone | 要不我脫光衣服由得它

i. Birth Time No. 1 ii. Birth Time No. 2 (Two Works) | i. 生辰之時 1 號 ii.  生辰之時 2 號 (兩幅作品)

5533 i. Birth Time No. 1 ii. Birth Time No. 2 (Two Works) | i. 生辰之時 1 號 ii. 生辰之時 2 號 (兩幅作品)

Interference Study #4 | 干涉習作 4 號

5534 Interference Study #4 | 干涉習作 4 號

Amaneku Yamainu-sama (Wild Mountain Dog), Standing and Watching on the Rain of the Full Moon | 野生山狗大人,在月圓下站觀細雨

5535 Amaneku Yamainu-sama (Wild Mountain Dog), Standing and Watching on the Rain of the Full Moon | 野生山狗大人,在月圓下站觀細雨

Untitled | 無題

5536 Untitled | 無題

Don Quixote | 唐吉訶德

5537 Don Quixote | 唐吉訶德

Pintor Con Pipa Y Sombrero de Paja (Painter With Pipe And Straw Hat) | 帶煙斗和草帽的畫家

5538 Pintor Con Pipa Y Sombrero de Paja (Painter With Pipe And Straw Hat) | 帶煙斗和草帽的畫家

Lovefool (Love Me) | 愛情傻瓜(愛我)

5539 Lovefool (Love Me) | 愛情傻瓜(愛我)

Traveller | 旅行者

5540 Traveller | 旅行者

Fear of Losing You | 失去你的恐懼

5541 Fear of Losing You | 失去你的恐懼

Pattern of Grain 16 | 顆粒結構 16

5542 Pattern of Grain 16 | 顆粒結構 16

Untitled | 無題

5543 Untitled | 無題

GO! GO! LOST MAN! | 去吧! 去吧! 迷失者!

5544 GO! GO! LOST MAN! | 去吧! 去吧! 迷失者!

Nothing To Do But Cry | 只能哭泣

5545 Nothing To Do But Cry | 只能哭泣

Little Goku | 小悟空

5546 Little Goku | 小悟空

CHI-CHI | 琪琪

5547 CHI-CHI | 琪琪

Clever Girl | 聰明女孩

5548 Clever Girl | 聰明女孩