Colossal Formats | Towering DRC & Iconic Bordeaux

Colossal Formats | Towering DRC & Iconic Bordeaux

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 5044. Château Lafite 2000 (12 BT).

Château Lafite 2000 (12 BT)

Auction Closed

October 2, 10:46 AM GMT


95,000 - 130,000 HKD

Lot Details

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Château Lafite 2000 

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé 

Great scent, dominated by loganberries when it was young. Superb, juicy black fruit on the palate. Such a ripe finish, mouthwatering all the way through. That real, total super-healthy 2000 nose to it. One now senses the opulence of this wine, with all its layers. Such a vivid taste of plums. Such fresh acidity - still a baby. This will last a century if desired, so think two generations on. Serena Sutcliffe, MW 

WA 98+ 

年輕時上佳的芬芳都是拜羅甘莓香味所賜。甜美多汁的黑肉果子口感,享受一流。成熟的餘韻令人垂涎。此酒有著2000年時那純淨佳美的香氣。現時,她給我一陣層層遞進的豐腴感覺。多麼鮮活的李子味,酸爽有勁,仍是初生之犢的她大有跨世紀的陳年潛力,試想像兩代之後會是甚麼光景。施慧娜 (葡萄酒大師M.W.) 

12 bts (owc) 

The Hong Kong Tax has been fully paid on these lots, however, the buyer has sole responsibility for any transport costs and any duty or taxes when shipping the lot outside of Hong Kong.



Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.




Image is for Reference only. For bottle condition please refer to cataloguing notes.