Chinese Jades from the Xianquxuan Collection

Chinese Jades from the Xianquxuan Collection

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 733. Four jade earrings, jue, a jade disc, bi, and a jade ring,  huan, Late Western Zhou dynasty - Eastern Zhou dynasty | 西周晚期至東周 龍紋玉玦、玉璧及絞絲玉環一組八件.

Four jade earrings, jue, a jade disc, bi, and a jade ring, huan, Late Western Zhou dynasty - Eastern Zhou dynasty | 西周晚期至東周 龍紋玉玦、玉璧及絞絲玉環一組八件

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December 5, 03:33 AM GMT


100,000 - 150,000 HKD

Lot Details


Four jade earrings, jue, a jade disc, bi, and a jade ring, huan, 

Late Western Zhou dynasty - Eastern Zhou dynasty

西周晚期至東周 龍紋玉玦、玉璧及絞絲玉環一組八件

largest d. 4.2 cm

Ku Ngar Antique Limited, Hong Kong, 22nd September 2000.


The two pairs of ‘dragon’ jue rings are of the style of the late Westen Zhou dynasty - early Spring and Autumn period. The other pair of jue rings decorated with the stylised dragon pattern is close to the style of mid - late Spring and Autumn period. The small ‘dragon’ bi disk also presents the style of the period from late Westen Zhou dynasty to early Spring and Autumn period. Jade huan rings of the design of the present one were found throughout the Eastern Zhou dynasty.

Compare the two pairs of ‘dragon’ jue rings with a few pairs of rings with similar patterns, tone, and sizes, excavated from a Qin tomb dated to the early Spring and Autumn period in the Long county, Shaanxi province, illustrated in Liu Yunhui ed., Shaanxi Chutu Dongzhou Yuqi [Eastern Zhou Dynasty Jades Unearthed in Shaanxi], Beijing, 2006, pp. 41-42. Compare the jade bi disc in the present lot with a related Western Zhou-dynasty jade disc with patterns of dragon, now in the Shaanxi History Museum, published in ibid., p. 67, pl. FN4. For a comparable example of the jade huan ring, see one unearthed in Baoji and dated to late Spring and Autumn period, published in ibid., p. 150, pl. BY34. Compare the pair of jue rings with the stylised dragon design to a mid Spring and Autumn-period jue ring in the Henan Antique Archaeology Institute, illustrated in Yang Boda ed., Zhongguo yuqi quanji [Complete collection of Chinese jades], Shijiazhuang, 2005, vol. 3, pl. 24.

