Chinese Jades from the Xianquxuan Collection

Chinese Jades from the Xianquxuan Collection

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 719. A celadon jade disc, bi, Neolithic period | 新石器時代  青玉素面璧.

A celadon jade disc, bi, Neolithic period | 新石器時代 青玉素面璧

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December 5, 03:24 AM GMT


80,000 - 120,000 HKD

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A celadon jade disc, bi

Neolithic period

新石器時代 青玉素面璧

d. 21 cm

Ikeda Kobijutsu, Tokyo, early 2000s.



The present jade bi disc is thick and undecorated. Jade bi discs of this type are unearthed from Neolithic sites all over the country, however, the jade seems to come from the northern area. See two Neolithic-period jade bi discs from north-west China exhibited at the British Museum, illustrated in Jessica Rawson, Chinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing, London, 1995, pls. 7:6 and 7:7. Compare further a Qijia-culture celadon jade bi disc in the Dingxi Museum, Gansu province, published in Gu Fang, The Complete Collection of Jades Unearthed in China, Beijing, 2005, vol. 15, p.11. See also a Liangzhu-culture example in Shanghai Administration of Culture Heritage, published in Liangzhu Wenhua Yuqi [Jade of Liangzhu Culture], Hong Kong, 1989, pl. 86.


此件玉璧素面厚身,全國南北新石器時代遺址皆有出土同類玉璧,惟本件之玉料似來自北方地區。參考大英博物館曾展出兩件新石器時期西北地區文化青玉璧,尺寸亦相近,見Jessica Rawson著,《Chinese Jade from the Neolithic to the Qing》,倫敦,1995,圖版7:6及7:7。甘肅省定西市博物館藏一件齊家文化青玉璧亦類似,見《中國出土玉器全集》,北京,2005年,卷15,頁11。良渚地區亦有用此類青玉作璧者,如上海市文物管理委員會藏一件良渚文化青玉璧,見《良渚文化玉器》,香港,1989年,編號86。