Asian Arts / 5000 Years
Asian Arts / 5000 Years
Lot Closed
December 21, 01:58 PM GMT
4,000 - 6,000 EUR
Lot Details
A nagthang black-ground thangka depicting Vajrakila
Tibet, 18th century
distemper on cloth
Height 71.5 cm, 28⅛ ; Width 50.5 cm, 19⅞ in.
Tangka à fond noir représentant Vajrakila, détrempe sur toile, Tibet, XVIIIe siècle
十八世紀 藏傳普巴金剛黑唐卡 設色布本
Tibetan Nagpa paintings are typically reserved for the ferocious aspects of the Yidam deities, the guardians of the dharma and the mountain spirit deities of pre-Buddhism. Compare two eighteenth century black-ground thangkas formerly in the Lionel Fournier Collection in Nathalie Bazin, Rituels tibétains: Visions secrètes du V Dalaï Lama, Paris, 2002, pp. 112-3, cat. nos. 54, 55.
西藏黑唐卡專為描繪本尊的忿怒相,是法和佛教前身的山靈神祇守護者。 比較莱昂内•傅聂(Lionel Fournier)舊藏中兩例18世紀的黑唐卡,圖載於Nathalie Bazin著,《 Rituels tibétains: Visions secrètes du V Dalaï Lama》,2002年,頁112-3,編號 54,55