Art of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas

Art of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 55. Maya Seated Female Figure.

Property from an American Private Collection

Maya Seated Female Figure

Jaina, Late Classic, circa AD 550 - 950

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May 23, 02:56 PM GMT


8,000 - 12,000 USD

Lot Details


Property from an American Private Collection

Maya Seated Female Figure

Jaina, Late Classic, circa AD 550 - 950

Height 7 ½ in (19.1 cm)

Hélène and Philippe Leloup, Paris

European Private Collection

Sotheby’s, New York, May 27, 1998, lot 158, consigned by the above

American Private Collection, acquired at the above auction

The proud and composed female figures of this Jaina style are uniformly clothed in broad sweeping huipils fitting low over the shoulders, with jewelry accenting the wrists, and ears. Her long necklace is composed of particularly large oblong beads. Her sloping forehead indicates the cranial modification that was a popular form of beauty among the Maya. Her strong expression is highlighted by delicate linear tattoos extending from the mouth, and her turban shows a fine stepped edge and is secured with a bead.  

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