Ancient Civilisations III – Neolithic Pottery including the Collection of Ronald W. Longsdorf

Ancient Civilisations III – Neolithic Pottery including the Collection of Ronald W. Longsdorf

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 804. An incised large red pottery bowl, Yangshao culture, Banpo phase, c. 4800-4300 BC 仰韶文化 半坡類型 紅陶刻符缽.

Property from the Ronald W. Longsdorf Collection | Ronald W. Longsdorf 收藏

An incised large red pottery bowl, Yangshao culture, Banpo phase, c. 4800-4300 BC 仰韶文化 半坡類型 紅陶刻符缽

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May 31, 02:06 AM GMT


50,000 - 70,000 HKD

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Property from the Ronald W. Longsdorf Collection | Ronald W. Longsdorf 收藏

An incised large red pottery bowl,

Yangshao culture, Banpo phase, c. 4800-4300 BC

仰韶文化 半坡類型 紅陶刻符缽

d. 29.2 cm

Ronald W. Longsdorf, The Pottery Age: An Appreciation of Neolithic Ceramics from China, Circa 7000 BC - Circa 1000 BC, Hong Kong, 2020, pl. 9.

Ronald W. Longsdorf,《陶誌:中國新石器時代陶器 約西元前7000年 – 前1000年》,香港,2020年,圖版9

This nearly hemispherical bowl is shaped in one of the most basic forms. Bowls in this form may be plain and unpainted, or painted with a wide band at the mouth rim on the exterior in a slightly different colour. Decorated with a deep maroon rim band, this bowl showcases how the Banpo people embellished their daily life by creating simple decorative elements on ordinary objects.

The present bowl is remarkable for the elaborate feathery mark cut through the deep maroon band before firing when the clay was still damp. Marks on hemispherical bowls are extremely rare, and the majority of the extant engravings are of simpler designs. Compare two pottery bowls incised with a simple cross and a downward arrow, exhibited in Shandong Museum and published in Dahe shangxia. Huanghe liuyu shiqian taoqi zhan [An exhibition on the prehistoric pottery of the Yellow River Basin], Beijing, 2015, p. 198 top and bottom, and also Ronald W. Longsdorf, op.cit., p. 52, figs 1 and 2, together with three similarly marked pottery sherds from the Dadiwan culture, fig. 3. Such marks are believed to be symbols for identification, signifying clanship or ownership.


此缽沿下有一窰燒前刻劃的羽狀符號。刻劃符號的陶缽本已罕見,且標記多較簡單,如此羽狀符號更是珍稀。參考山東博物館藏兩陶缽,分別刻劃「十」字及往下的箭頭紋,收入《大河上下:黄河流域史前陶器展》,北京,2015年,頁198上及下,又刊於 Ronald W. Longsdorf,前述出處,頁52,圖1-2,同載大地灣文化三件附有標記的陶片,圖3。這類符號相信乃用於識別氏族或擁有者的功能。