19th & 20th Century Sculpture

19th & 20th Century Sculpture

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 12. The Young Octavian.

Attributed to Edmonia Lewis

The Young Octavian

Lot Closed

July 12, 11:14 AM GMT


6,000 - 8,000 GBP

Lot Details


Attributed to Edmonia Lewis


1844 - 1907

The Young Octavian

white marble, on a white marble socle

47cm., 18 1/2 in. overall

This fine bust which follows the antique model of the future Emperor Augustus as a boy is near identical another signed by the celebrated African American sculptor Edmonia Lewis in the collections of the Smithsonian Institution (inv. no. 1983.95.180). Lewis' bust was described thus by one of her patrons, “[It] seemed to all of us the best reproduction of the original then offered by any artist in Rome.” (cf Smithsonian cataloguing accessed 22 June 2023: https://americanart.si.edu/artwork/young-octavian-14633).

Lewis moved to Europe in 1865 and lived first in Florence and later in Rome, where she established herself as 'America's first prominent non-white sculptor' according to Marilyn Richardson. In Rome she made copies of numerous celebrated models including Michelangelo's Moses (1875, Smithsonian Institution, inv. no. 1984.149.1).