19th & 20th Century Sculpture

19th & 20th Century Sculpture

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Attributed to Johann Heinrich von Dannecker

Bust of a Child

Lot Closed

December 13, 01:01 PM GMT


5,000 - 7,000 GBP

Lot Details


Attributed to Johann Heinrich von Dannecker


1758 - 1841

Bust of a Child

white marble

36cm., 14⅛ in. overall

Former collection of a Lady;

Christie's, London, 6 December 2012, lot 172;

Private collection, UK

This charming bust of a child demonstrates the stylistic trademarks of one of Germany's most important Neoclassical sculptors, Johann Heinrich von Dannecker. Dannecker's signature style can be noted in the skilled carving of the curling hair, which compares closely to his bust of Schiller in the MFG/ Zentralbibliothek der deutchen Klassik (inv. no. Pl 32/1980). Dannecker carved several marble busts of children, some of which are now in the Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart (inv. nos. P 533, P 559) and demonstrate a similar carving of the soft rounded cheeks, open blank eyes with pronounced eyelids, and with similar truncation around the shoulders.


C. Von Holst, Johann Heinrich Dannecker der Bildhauer, exh. cat. Stuttgart Staatsgalerie, 1997, nos. 104, 111-112, 137