Travel, Atlases, Maps and Photographs

Travel, Atlases, Maps and Photographs

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 73. Qatar, Abu Dhabi and Oman | 17 photographs, 1960s-2002.

Qatar, Abu Dhabi and Oman | 17 photographs, 1960s-2002

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May 24, 02:13 PM GMT


1,000 - 1,500 GBP

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Qatar, Abu Dhabi and Oman

Seventeen photographs, 1960s-2002

17 photographs (from 77 x 106mm. to 202 x 300mm.), 5 of which on single card mount with feint manuscript caption ('Qatar'), some with ballpoint or pencil annotations or typed descriptions on versos, a few photographs slightly spotted or frayed at extremities, one with neat holepunch holes at edge

The collection comprises 10 photographs of Abu Dhabi and 7 of Qatar. Subjects include Sheikh Zayed, the oil fields of Abu Dhabi, and the GCC oil summit in Salalah, Oman (1980s).