The Samurai: Japanese Arms and Armour

The Samurai: Japanese Arms and Armour

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 50. A Kaga tosei-gusoku [armour] | Edo period, 18th century.

Property of a Gentleman

A Kaga tosei-gusoku [armour] | Edo period, 18th century

Lot Closed

May 10, 02:49 PM GMT


30,000 - 40,000 GBP

Lot Details


Property of a Gentleman

A Kaga tosei-gusoku [armour]

Edo period, 18th century 

the twelve-plate russet iron bowl with raised ridges, the mabisashi [peak] and fukigaeshi [turnbacks] in gilded leather embossed with scrolling foliage, copper-gilt fukurin, four-tiered black lacquer shikoro [neck guard], the bottom tier in gold tataki-nuri, with sugake odoshi [spaced lacing] in green braid, the gilt metal maedate [forecrest] in the form of a stylised crescent moon and flames; the russet iron ressei mempo [face mask with fierce expression] forged with deep wrinkles, flared nostrils and open mouth, detachable nose plate, wild boar hair moustache, red lacquer interior, three-tiered gold and black lacquer yodaregake [throat protector] laced in matching braid, the iron do [cuirass] hinged in two pieces, cowhorn toggles, chainmail kote [sleeves], seven tassets of five-tiered kusazuri [skirt], the haidate [thigh guards] in gold and black lacquer forming a chequered pattern, silk brocade lining, shino suneate [shin guards], with an armour storage box 

Mounted on the armour storage box: 158 cm., 62¼ in. high

The armour storage box: 52 x 39.5 x 39.5 cm., 20½ x 15½ x 15½ in. 

Please note that the wood armour display stand illustrated is not included in this lot. An armour stand can be ordered from the department.