The Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Pfaffenroth: American Furniture, Silver and Decorative Arts

The Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Pfaffenroth: American Furniture, Silver and Decorative Arts

View full screen - View 1 of Lot 1207. Assembled Extensive Chinese Export 'Fitzhugh' Pattern Part Dinner Service Qing Dynasty, Early 19th Century | 清十九世紀初 青花餐具一組.

Assembled Extensive Chinese Export 'Fitzhugh' Pattern Part Dinner Service Qing Dynasty, Early 19th Century | 清十九世紀初 青花餐具一組

Auction Closed

January 19, 09:11 PM GMT


12,000 - 18,000 USD

Lot Details


Assembled Extensive Chinese Export 'Fitzhugh' Pattern Part Dinner Service

Qing Dynasty, Early 19th Century

清十九世紀初 青花餐具一組

each decorated in underglaze-blue, comprising three soup tureens, covers and stands, a shaped tureen, cover and stand, fourteen oval platters of various sizes, three 'well and tree' platters, a handled oval vegetable dish and cover, six shaped oval vegetable dishes and covers, one large vegetable dish base, one large cover, two oval vegetable dish and covers, five rectangular vegetable dishes and six covers, a fish platter and drainer, a platter and mazarine, an oval warming dish, a kidney-shaped dish, four oval serving dishes, a vegetable dish liner, five sauce boats, four lozenge shaped trays, a circular saucer dish, twenty-one soup plates, thirty dinner plates and thirteen small side dishes, together with a group of similarly decorated crested wares, comprising two vegetable dish liners, four dinner plates and two small side dishes. 153 pieces.

Length of largest platter 21 3/8 in.; 54.7 cm