POWER / CONQUEST: The Forging of Empires

POWER / CONQUEST: The Forging of Empires

全萤幕检视 - 查看9The Yi Yu Gui, Western Zhou dynasty, King Zhao period, probably c. 980 BC | 西周 昭王時期 或約公元前980年 𤞷馭簋的1

Important Archaic Bronzes from the Collection of Albert Y.P. and Sara K.S. Lee

The Yi Yu Gui, Western Zhou dynasty, King Zhao period, probably c. 980 BC | 西周 昭王時期 或約公元前980年 𤞷馭簋


September 20, 02:17 PM GMT


600,000 - 800,000 USD


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The Yi Yu Gui

Western Zhou dynasty, King Zhao period, probably c. 980 BC

西周 昭王時期 或約公元前980年 𤞷馭簋

cast to the interior with a nineteen-character inscription reading Yi Yu cong wang nan zheng fa Chujing you de yong zuo Fu Wu bao zun yi Wu


𤞷馭從王南征 伐楚荊 有得 用作父戊寶尊彝 吳

Width 12 in., 30.6 cm

Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Toeg.

Sotheby's London, 3rd December 1963, lot 184.

Bluett & Son Ltd., London, 6th January 1964.

Collection of Professor Peter Plesch (1918-2013)

Sotheby's London, 20th February 1968, lot 53. 

Spink & Son Ltd., London.

Collection of a European nobleman.

Christie's London, 6th June 1994, lot 68.

Edmund Toeg 伉儷收藏


Bluett & Son Ltd.,倫敦,1964年1月6日

Peter Plesch 教授 (1918-2013) 收藏


Spink & Son Ltd.,倫敦



Hu Xiaoshi, Jinshi fanjinji dier [Sequel to the collection of various archaic bronzes], 1918, p. 14.

Bao Ding, Guochao jinwen zhulubiao buyi [Supplements of the list of bronze inscriptions recorded in the present [Qing] dynasty], vol. 1, 1931, p. 38 (vessel recorded).

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Wu Qichang, 'Jinwen yinianbiao [Possible chronology of archaic bronze inscriptions], Bulletin of the National Library of Peiping, vol. 6, no. 5, Peiping, 1932, p. 528 (vessel recorded).

Wu Kaisheng, Jijin wenlu [The record of inscriptions from archaic bronzes], vol. 3, 1933, p. 23 (vessel discussed).

Wu Qichang, Jinwen lishuo shuzheng [Critical examination of calendars in bronze inscriptions], vol. 2, Shanghai, 1934, p. 18.

Bernhard Karlgen, 'Yin and Zhou in Chinese Bronzes', Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, no. 8, Stockholm, 1935, p. 55 (vessel recorded).

Guo Moruo, Liang Zhou jinwenci daxi tulu kaoshi [Illustrated record and investigation of the great corpus of bronze inscriptions of the two Zhou periods], Tokyo, 1935, lubian, p. 26.

Ke Changji, Weihuage jigulu bawei [Records of ancient works from the Weihua Pavilion], ji, 1935, p. 18 (vessel discussed).

Liu Tizhi, Xiaojiao Jingge jinwen taben [Rubbings of bronze inscriptions in the Xiaojiao Jingge], vol. 7, 1935, p. 43.

Rong Geng, Yinzhou qingtongqi tonglun [A comprehensive study of the archaic bronzes from the Yin and Zhou dynasties], Beijing, 1958, p. 89, fig. 9.

Shirakawa Shizuka, Kinbun tsūshaku

 [A general explanation of archaic bronze inscriptions], vol. 1, xia, Kobe, 1962, pp 777-780.

Shirakawa Shizuka, Jinwenji [Collection of archaic bronze inscriptions], vol. 2, Tokyo, 1980, p. 11, no. 200.

Sun Zhichu, Jinwen zhulu jianmu [Records of Bronze Inscriptions], Beijing, 1981, p. 138, no. 2335 (vessel recorded).  

Tang Lan, ‘Lun zhouzhaowang shidai de qingtongqi keming [A discussion on the bronze inscriptions from the period of King Zhao], Guwenzi yanjiu [Studies of ancient characters], vol.2, Beijing, 1981, p. 72.

Yan Yiping, Jinwen zongji [Corpus of bronze inscriptions], Taipei, 1983, no. 2543.

Ma Chengyuan, Shang Zhou qingtong qi mingwen xuan [Selection of Shang and Zhou dynasty bronze inscriptions], vol. 1, Beijing, 1988, no. 106.

Wu Zhenfeng, Shaanxi jinwen huibian [Compilation of bronze inscriptions from Shaanxi], vol. 3, Xi'an, 1989, no. 15.

Y.P. Lee, Important Inscribed Ancient Chinese Bronze Vessels from the Li Yingshuan Collection in the Shanghai Museum, vol. II, Shanghai, 1996, pl. 41.

Liu Litang, ‘Guanyu zhou zhaowang nanzheng jianghan diqu youguan wenti de tantao [Discussion on King Zhao’s expedition to the Jianghan region]’, Jianghan kaogu / Jianghan archaeology, no. 3, Wuhan, 2000, p. 69 (vessel recorded).

The Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, ed., Yinzhou jinwen jichengshiwen [Interpretations of the compendium of Yin and Zhou bronze inscriptions], vol. 3, Hong Kong, 2001, no. 3976.

Guo Moruo quanji [The complete collection of works by Guo Moruo], vol. 7, Beijing, 2002, p. 234.

Peng Yushang, Xizhou qingtong niandai zonghe yanjiu [A comprehensive study of the bronzes from the Western Zhou dynasty], Chengdu, 2003, p. 267 (vessel recorded).

Yang Kuan, Xizhoushi [The history of Western Zhou], Shanghai, 2003, p. 557 (vessel recorded).

Wang Xiantang, Guoshi jinshi zhigao [A record of bronze and stone inscriptions in Chinese history], vol. 3, Qingdao, 2004, p. 1672, no. 367.

Wu Zhenfeng, Jinwen renming huibian (Compilation of the names from bronze inscriptions), Beijing, 2006, p. 282 (vessel discussed).

The Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, ed., Yinzhou jinwen jicheng [Compendium of Yin and Zhou bronze inscriptions], Beijing, 2007, no. 03976.

Wang Xinyi, ed., Shangzhou tuxing wenzi bian [Dictionary of the pictograms from the Shang and Zhou dynasties], Beijing, 2007, no. 171.

Liu Yu et. al., Shangzhou jinwen zong zhulubiao [Comprehensive list of recorded Shang and Zhou bronze inscriptions], Beijing, 2008, no. 4355 (vessel recorded).

He Jingcheng, Shangzhou qingtongqi zushi mingwen yanjiu [Study of the clan pictograms on the bronzes from the Shang and Zhou dynasties], Jinan, 2009, p. 305 (vessel recorded).

Rong Geng xueshu zhuzuo quanji [The complete collection of the academic works by Rong Geng], vol. 9, Beijing, 2011, p. 89, fig. 9.

Wu Zhenfeng, Shang Zhou qingtong qi mingwen ji tuxiang jicheng [Compendium of important inscriptions and images of bronzes from the Shang and Zhou dynasties], vol. 10, Shanghai, 2012, no. 04895.

Zhao Qingmiao, 'Zhaowang nanzheng er bufu zhi lice / A Conquest of Failure to the South in King of Zhao during Western Zhou dynasty,' Xueshu yuekan / Academic Monthly, no. 5, Shanghai, 2015, p. 152 (vessel recorded).

Wang Qi, 'Xizhou zaoqi nanzheng qingtongqiqun ji xiangguan shishi kaocha [A survey of the bronze group relating to the south expeditions from the early Western Zhou and the related history],' Chutu wenxian / Excavated Documents, no. 2, Shanghai, 2016, p. 43 (vessel recorded).


鮑鼎,《國朝金文著錄表補遺》,卷上,1931年,頁38 (器記錄)

陳承修,《猗文閣金文》 (未印稿本),至1931年已集成

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吳闓生,《吉金文錄》,卷3,1933年,頁23 (器論及)


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柯昌濟,《韡華閣集古錄跋尾》,己篇,1935年,頁18 (器論及)





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